We had the good fortune of connecting with Hannah Lassiter and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Hannah, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I started my first business MentorshipRevolution in 2018 while I still was 18 years old. I remember it being June 2018 and I was in my usual mode during the day while utilizing my cellular device. It may have been an article I read or a book that I was reading, but whatever it was at the time something finally clicked. I was finally closing one chapter of my life, which was high school. All my life I had put my studies and education as a first or main priority. Why not take that same ambition and commitment and transfer it to being a young business woman and entrepreneur? My high school years were years of tremendous growth and maturity. I must’ve felt like after surviving so much at the time that I was ready to walk headfirst and confidently into my future. I held many of the skills and the mindset required to manage and lead a business, but even more the word “mentors” was heavy on my mind. Over the years I had grown to realize that mentorship, guidance, and support is very crucial to one’s resilience, silence, and success. From there MentorshipRevolution came into existence.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I have always been career-minded and determined to pursue an exciting and meaningful career. I have always had high expectations for myself in that regards (maybe there are others who believed in me as well) and I can now say that in the past three years I’ve experienced the beauty and madness of those who hold this standard and mentality. I remember in 7th grade I was considering becoming a cosmetologist, although I learned that this profession isn’t high ranking in the pay department. As I evolved I thought about becoming a writer, author, lawyer, or working in the field of justice. In 2016 around my junior year of high school while attending early college I finally decided that I wanted to study psychology and go that route as far as my career. Alongside that sat education as the second avenue because I have always been studious and enjoyed school in a way that was strong and noticeable to those around me or those that knew me. In 2018 I founded MentorshipRevolution, and sort of remember it like yesterday. It just clicked for me that I should start a business and become an entrepreneur. The past four years of my life had been very revealing and meaningful in my life/learning journey, so it came to my focus that I should start a business that focused on mentorship. I truly think that mentorship guided me through my high school years and I can even say that I’ve grown more accustomed to receiving it in the past few years as well. The mission of my small business MentorshipRevolution is “to help care for and sustain minds and lives through a global mission.” In the past two years I have accomplished quite a few milestones that I’m extremely proud of myself for! I graduated in 2021 with my B.A as a psychology major. I also became a full time entrepreneur and educator (consisting of tutoring) in the same year.
What sets me apart from others is that I am a multifaceted individual and I am very open-minded in the career department. For example, I aspire to become a psychologist, counselor/therapist in the future but I am also dedicated to my career as an entrepreneur as well. Add to that I am interested in continuing to author, write and become a more successful writer/poet. I also have been very independent and I have worked wholeheartedly to get to where I am in my career today. I believe in the art of hardworking, dedication, and resilience. I also am working in career fields that I feel called to and I believe strongly in doing work that is rewarding and benefitting for those I am serving. So, I am mission-minded. Within my business MentorshipRevolution I have always worked alone and I have never had a team or board of members support behind me. If that happens one day I am still open to the potential that lies though for that to be done. I believe I have got where I am today through faith, obedience, endurance, concentration, ignoring distractions, and remaining empowered and motivated through the things and challenges of life. I overcome any challenges brought my way by relying on my faith and beliefs, trusting in the process, and being open to growth and maturity as it presents necessary. This has required me to learn how to respond and not react when put to the test or when I feel tired/restless. I also have to sometimes release control and fear, so that I can allow life to happen and in response I can learn how to deal with new occurrences and events. With the expectation that I am capable and able to act as needed. So, I do encourage others to try and show up whenever there is an opportunity to do so. Don’t doubt yourself or be against the uncomfortable if it may pay off in the long run.
I want the world to know and remember me as a believer in Christ, educator, motivational and empowered speaker, an empowered writer/author, life coach, self-made entrepreneur, and a very resilient individual who never developed the wrong mentality towards life and any circumstances that I encountered. I also hope that those who have known and loved me/developed personal relationships with me will hold those memories as well. For MentorshipRevolution I want the world to remember and respect my brand as a brand that is dedicated to global education, civil rights, creating opportunities, enriching minds, supporting students/adults and creating a presence and foundation of mentorship, self-improvement, advocacy, and community.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
To be completely honest I have done quite a bit of traveling in my life but I am a small town girl born, raised, and living in North Carolina. I have never been to Miami myself but I would love to Miami Florida in my twenties. I haven’t traveled abroad yet (or out of the USA), it’s definitely on my bucket list for life! I’m sure that it’s sooner down the road than I think because a few years ago I was preparing and gearing to travel to Italy. As you guessed the virus Covid-19 came around and I was never able to make that trip abroad (I would’ve been traveling as a psychology major and college student). Now, if my best friend was visiting the area and I had the privilege of showing them the best time I would take them to a few nice restaurants, book a luxury hotel, visit amazing shopping spots, and other highlight Miami locations that one shouldn’t miss. I love Italian food and Salmon so I would find the restaurant that specializes in this cuisine. I actually don’t drink but I may have us visit a wine spot and taste several wines. Sounds kind of fun! I think every vacation or trip around the globe should consist of good food, sightseeing, doing something in the water, conversations, hotel getaways, and doing a bit of shopping.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to shoutout my grandparents and a few mentors that I have had in the past/present. I appreciate my grandparents for all the love and support that they have shown throughout my life and for believing in me as I have become the young woman I am today. I appreciate several mentors for acknowledging my greatness and potential as a purpose. Also for planting seeds and blessings that have left a lasting impact on my morals, values, and beliefs.
Website: https://mentorshiprevolution.com/
Instagram: Iamchosen2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imchosen16?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@21stcenturylady15