We had the good fortune of connecting with Dating and Relationship Coach Apollonia Ponti and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Apollonia, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
“I wanted to help as many people as possible. I wanted the independence of building my own legacy and business.”

How did you come up with the idea for your business?
“I made my pain my purpose. I had a very manipulative narcissistic father growing up and tried to fix him my whole life and never succeeded. Since I was never successful it became my life mission to help men all over the world. I told myself as an adult that no matter what I will always help men get the guidance they deserve. I also believe men need more support more than ever in life, love and relationships.”

What’s the most important lesson your business / career has taught you? “Compassion and patience. Everyone can be at different walks of life. They come to me because they trust me and that is the biggest gift but yet the biggest responsibility to show up with a perspective beyond my beliefs and more for help.”

What habits do you feel helped you succeed?
“Determination, courage, faith, and reputation.”

Risk taking: What do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/ career?
“Risks are healthy because behind a risk is always a reward.
I’m constantly taking risks in my business from hiring people, to building new programs or changing things within the business. Risks also keep you fresh and give you the mindset to know what works for your business and what does not so you can help and teach others. Just like live and relationships”

Website: https://www.apolloniaponti.com/

Instagram: apollonia_ponti

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/apollonia-ponti-50b17475/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apollonialovecoach/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYqdbnuvx-jJZByotoNW-5Q

Image Credits:
Vanessa Rodgers

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