We had the good fortune of connecting with Adolfo Tejeda and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Adolfo, what is the most important factor behind your success?
I began my brand when I encountered a problem when I started my fitness journey. About two years ago, I noticed that stress and weight had become health issues. For some time, my doctors told me that I needed to lose weight, and I had to learn how to disengage at work. My career was starting to take a toll, and I decided it was time I took care of myself and my health. I have always been athletic and played multiple sports growing up throughout my life. But somewhere along the way, I let it all go, and it wasn’t a priority. Family and work were front and center, and I constantly made excuses that I had no time for the gym or to eat healthy. So when I hit my moment of reflection, I began to change my habits and lifestyle. I tried different things throughout my journey to see what worked best for me. I worked out at a gym but noticed that my time was limited because of work and family, so I converted my garage into a professional gym to work out from home at my own convenience. I began to look for food and supplements that helped me again with my goals. But I started to notice that while the food was not a problem, what I saw to be a problem were the supplements that I needed to complement my lifestyle changes. I noticed that supplements tasted horrible, and I could hardly take them down. It was the equivalent of taking medicine as a kid; I almost just had to pinch my nose and chug them down. So I started my journey to find better tasting supplements, specifically whey protein, which was the worst for me and the most commonly used. I looked and looked and tried dozens of brands and what they had in common was the horrible taste and texture. I started to wonder whether I could just make my own. I began to research what was needed to get my own brand with a palatable taste for people like me. I spoke to friends and family who used supplements, and the consensus was the same; all I would hear was, “Protein just tastes bad” no one could stand taste either. So I realized there was a problem, and I wanted to find a solution.
After about 8 months search and talking to people in the supplement industry, I found someone interested in working with me. This person had worked for years in the industry and had worked as a flavor chemist for some substantial food companies. So we began mixing and tasting flavors. Soon after, we uncovered flavors mixed with premium whey protein types with fantastic taste profiles and gave me and some friends who tested products the results we wanted. This was the beginning of Magna Health Nutrition. Since then, we’ve launched our e-commerce site and have begun selling our Magna Supplement line worldwide. A Miami-based business but we ship products to different parts of the world.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’ve been in the medical health space for 20 years. 2 clinical and 18 as a medical device professional. My main focus has been pain management, but I also have worked in the Orthopedic trauma device space. I attended medical school overseas after my second year in college. When I returned home because my mother had been sick, I was approached by some colleagues in a hospital to see if I’d be interested in working in trauma device sales. 18 years later, I’m still in medical devices and have a successful career in surgery, helping patients and physicians offer therapies that give patients quality of life and freedom from chronic pain conditions. Magna health Nutrition began as a side gig and has now started to develop into a viable business as well for me.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well, I’d say if they’ve never been to Miami, then Miami Beach is a must. First, they’d need to see the beaches and nightlife this city offers. I’d also take them to midtown Miami or Wynwood so they can eat some great food and take in some of the art scene. I then would take them to my area, the Redlands in southwest Miami, so they could experience the Miami farm life. Next, offer them a traditional backyard Cuban pig roast. Lastly, I would take them down to the Florida keys so they could experience some of the best food and sunsets in the world.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Yes, I would always recognize my wife and kids for always supporting my crazy ideas. My wife always encourages me to make my dreams happen. I’m forever grateful to her and my kiddos for understanding my long hours and weekends working hard.
Website: http://www.magnahealthnutrition.com/
Instagram: @magnahealthnutrition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077082406048