Meet Claudine Gentles | Owner of Pak N Jet Travel

We had the good fortune of connecting with Claudine Gentles and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Claudine, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I’ve always wanted freedom. Both financial and time freedom. I knew that working a 9- 5 every day, I am working and building someone else’s dreams and goal. My boss’s dreams and goals to be exact. I figured, why not put the same energy, enthusiasm and spirit that I gave to my 9-5 in my own business. Something that belonged to me, and this way I would be fulfilling my own dreams and goals. That was my thought process in starting my own business. Plus, being a W2 employee will never make you wealthy. You must invest in a second source or multiple sources of income. I decided to invest in myself.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I’m a Travel Agent and I specialize in group travel; and I also assist others with owning their own travel business online. I’m partnered with the oldest travel agency in the United States, InteleTravel. InteleTravel has been in business for over 30 years, they are the first home base travel agency. They are partnered with all the major suppliers such as Disney, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Marriott, Delta Vacations, American Airlines Vacations etc. With this partnership, I have access to all the major suppliers worldwide and I’m able to book travel for anywhere in the world. Not only am I able to book travel, but I’m also able to book entertainment, activities, car rentals, concert tickets, game tickets etc.
Growing up as a kid, I always wanted to be a flight attendant, however back then, there was a weight limit for flight attendants and I’ve always been a chubby kid, so I took my mind off that goal. However, I still loved traveling and because of my love for travel, I decided to enter the travel space. It was difficult at first getting started as, in this industry, there are certain license, certifications and insurance requirements that are needed to get started. I didn’t have any of these requirements, therefore I decided to find a host agency, to go under and use their license. After searching and searching for host agency, they were all coming up with a start-up cost of $5000, $10,000 and more. To be honest, that was a lot more than I bargained for and was way above my budget. After doing extensive research online, I heard about a company that you could get the business started for only $200. After speaking to a friend of mine, she also confirmed that it was true and gave me contact information for a representative for the company. Much to my surprise, I ended up getting a two for 1 deal. I went in looking for a travel host agency, I ended up with both a travel host agency and a marketing company where I’m able to earn up to 8 streams of income for less than the cost of my cell phone.
At first, I was not interested in the marketing side of the business, because my passion is travel. However, after being constantly reminded by my mentor and coach, Mrs. Denesha Bailey Cole, that I have two businesses and that I was leaving money on the table by only focusing on my travel business, I started also putting in the time and work in my marketing business as well. Today, I’m happy to say that I have a thriving Travel Business and a successful marketing business. I’ve been able to help over 14 families to receive additional incomes in their household by owning their own online travel business. My mission now is not just to book travel, but also to help others realize that they too are able to become business owners. I love helping ordinary people just like me achieve and earn extra ordinary income by owning their own business with multiple streams of income for a small invest of only $200.
I’m a strong believer in the law of attraction and setting goals. If you believe it, you will achieve it. Being a business owner is not easy, it takes a different level of mental fortitude to be a business owner because you no longer have anyone to depend on for a paycheck or anyone telling you what to do. With that being said, you need to have a “why” in order to keep going. Why do you want to own your own business? Why do you get up every day? What is your why? Once you’ve figured out your why, then nothing can stop you! I started my business part time, while I worked a full-time demanding Executive position in Higher Education. However, I did not let the fact that I’m tired, whenever I get home at night stop me from working my business. Like I said in the beginning, the same energy and enthusiasm that I give on my 9-5 to fulfill my boss’s dreams, is the same energy and enthusiasm that i will give to working my business and fulfilling my own dream. You can never be too tired or too busy to invest in yourself. If I can do it, you can do it. You just need to make your dream a priority, determine your why and go get it!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
It’s always a good time at Bayside! 1. Bayside – There are a lot of activities and things to do there including the speed boat tour.
2. Kaseya Center – I love my Heats! Take them to see a game.
3. Wynwood – The arts of the district
4. South Beach – the beach, the strip, so much to do there.
5. Miami Design District – I think she would love the boutique shops there.
6. Venetian Pool – My absolute favorite.
7. Vizcaya Gardens – A must see!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to give a big shoutout to Carissa Rhule. Carissa has always been encouraging, giving ideas, and supportive in my travel business endeavors. Carissa is also in the travel industry, and she loves to share her thoughts and ideas about the current trends and tips in the industry.
Instagram: ketostyle13
Facebook: Claud Styles