Meet Djenane Gourgue

We had the good fortune of connecting with DJENANE GOURGUE and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi DJENANE, what’s your definition for success?
To me success can be defined as finding daily fullfilment in pursuing your dreams and anbitions while able to keep your values. I proudlt earned a degree as an electrical engineer back in 1994 when it was an emerging field for woman, 2020 I apply many of the processes learned back in 1994 to be a project manager and creative producer. Being able to passionately fulfill your purpose.
What should our readers know about your business?
I run the day to day operation of the Haitian American Chamber of Commerce Inc. This non-profit membership based organization is 8 years with over 200 members, and 9 volunteer directors. With a strong leadership from the board of directors and advisors, we are able to fulfill our promise of FREE Workshops, in a community where access to information and opportunities is not granted nor guaranteed. We are proud to have a diverse board with years of expertise, and the openness to work creatively in ensuring the delivery of our marketing strategies. The challenges on the day to day operation is that every business needs something different from the chamber, and it often feels that I am a personal assistant to each business when we are creating a platform for growth. The best way to overcome this challenge is to have great time management skills, to have patience and understand that timing is everything. What is easy is that the Chamber is taking care of your business by working for and with other partners to build a strong local economy, to be a strong advocate for business and other member benefit programs. The Chamber embraces a collaborative approach to working with government and community entities for the prosperity of the community. What I want the world to know about me and my brand is that everything we start comes from love and that we strive for excellence, We want to refer as much as we want to be a reference.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Ah sunny Florida, my second home after Haiti with less humidity. My friend will enjoy the beaches on the east coast from Hollywood to Deerfield Beach. Our nightlife before COVID-19 was very exciting from dancing to concerts and dining in Broward county that offer a mosaic for different tastes. I am a member of the Broward Cultural Art Council, I will encourage everyone to visit The Chamber is a partner with Visit Florida – another great resource – Tours and sightseeing for my friend who wants to see nature will have a delight from the keys to Alligator’s Alley.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
The Susan G Komen Foundation is one of the organizations that I would like to recognize for my success. In 2004 when I was diagnosed with my first cancer I joined the SGK for support and encouragement because within my closed circle and family I did not know of anyone struggling with cancer. There, I met men and women, executives and homemakers, as well as college students gathered for a cause, connected by the same pain directly or indirectly. You advocate and volunteer because you care. It was not a group of survivors trying to help or warn, it was just a bunch who genuinely care. From stuffing envelopes, to being part of a committee and twice being chosen as a Ford Warrior, I found joy in helping, and sharing with others all the while understanding how a successful non-profit operates, and how you can engage a community to fight for a cause. During the first two diagnoses, the foundation members were there for me and many within my community. After my third diagnosis, I was eligible for a grant to help with the lymphedema. On a personal level, my son Elijah Gourgue – who was only 8 when I was diagnosed, was my constant source of love and encouragement. My love for him helped me through the daily fight as I was determined to see him graduate high, and college. This young man when I was giving 4 months to live after my 3rd diagnosis, told me that I would outlive the bearer of any bad news.
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Image Credits:
Picture taken by Max Desdunes of Desdunes Photography Logo designed by Max Desdunes of Pic-O-Visuals, an affiliate of Desdunes Photography