Meet Eden Blanco | Photographer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Eden Blanco and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Eden, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Before making the decision to start my own business, I spent years learning about the media and content world while working as a staff photographer for several newspapers and magazines in Venezuela. It was there that I realized that my creativity was being held back by the confines of a 9-5 schedule. After careful consideration I decided to unleash my creative spirit and venture out on my own, using my talents behind the camera to establish my editorial and commercial photography business. Today, I use this creative freedom to capture stunning photos and personal moments from my clients. There isn’t a second of my day that I think about going back to a regular 9-5 life.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
What’s one thing about your industry that outsiders probably don’t know about?
People who are not familiar with the world of photography are generally unaware that taking a good photo is actually something very simple to do. That cameras, while often intimidating, are like any other device and that you just have to want to learn how to use them. Yes, photography is an art, but from my perspective, you do not have to go to art school and obtain a fine arts degree to take a great photo. All is takes is a little curiosity to view the world from a different angle and you might surprise yourself what you find after you hear the click.
Risk taking: how do you think about risk, what role has risk taking played in your life/career?
With out risk there is no reward and likely little growth. I believe that in life our greatest successes and many times our greatest failures involve risk, without this we just continue down the route of status quo. In my personal experience, risk has always played a fundamental role in helping me realize my dreams. Had I not taken the risk to walk away from a comfortable full-time job to chase my own dreams, I would not have had the opportunity to build my own business. And while it hasn’t always been easy, believe in myself enough to take this risk has been one of my biggest joys in life..
Besides deciding to work for yourself, what was the most important decision you made that contributed to your success?
The day I decided to leave Venezuela to pursue my own version of the American dream here in the United States. After years of building a reputation for myself in my home country, the political and economic situation had become so perilous that I had no choice but to walk about from it all. Leaving behind my family, my friends, my clients and my life’s work, and deciding I was going to rebuild a life in Miami. This decision helped me to grow professionally, having to build a new network in my adopted hometown and establishing myself as one of the go-to trusted photographers for several Latin American artists and influencers.
What is the most important factor behind your success/the success of your brand?
Consistency and perseverance are what I believe have me establish a successful brand with Eden Blanco Photography. Over the years, I have built a photographic style that showcases people and products in interesting and tantalizing ways that capture the imagination. t
What is the most difficult decision you have had to make?
I mentioned this before, but the most difficult decision I have ever had to make was fleeing my homeland in Venezuela for a new life in the United States. Walking away from my life and life’s work was not easy, but if I had to make the decision all over again I would make the same choice to take my life’s biggest risk and rebuild my business and my life here in Miami. Establishing myself in Miami has been somewhat of a slow process, adapting to the distances and starting to knock on doors to get jobs as a photographer. After four years here, I can tell you that it has not been an easy road, but it has been full of surprises, new partnerships and the creative freedom I have long dreamed of.
Work-life balance: how has your work-life balance changed over time? What do you think about the balance?
This question is very important, when you dedicate yourself to photography, it takes a long time to have a balance between personal life and work life. When you start from a very young age in this profession, as I did in my case, you need to dedicate much more time to it, to build moment to capitalize on being young and full of energy. This required late nights covering social events and early mornings at the office editing photos or planning shoots. Even when I traveled for pleasure I took the camera with me just in case a job presented itself. Eventually as the years passed I have learn to create better balance for myself, allowing my self the time and space to rebalance my energy and refocus my creativity. It is not always easy to do as a photographer’s eye is always searching for the next poetic image, but now I ok missing a good shot because I am off the clock knowing that my next great shot is just a camera click away.
Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation? What does it mean to you / what do you like about it?
“If you can dream it, you can do it”.
Walt Disney.
I love this phrase, it is very simple and motivating at the same time, everything that is in our imagination is possible to do, no matter how unattainable it may seem, it is always possible to achieve what we dream of.
Why did you pursue an artistic or creative career?
I really never imagined that I would dedicate myself to photography, when I entered university to study social communication, I did it with the idea of being a television producer, since that part of the media called my attention, but when I formally met photography I was in love with this art, when I started digital cameras did not yet exist, so my first jobs were made on photographic film, black and white or color, several teachers were a great influence and guide to dedicate myself to this, until in I took it very seriously for a moment and decided to dedicate myself completely to making a career in the photographic world since it allows me to express myself freely and show the importance of this art.
What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want people to remember about you?
I believe that the legacy is already done, all the photographs that I have taken in all these years, no matter how insignificant they may be for some or very important for others, are already a legacy. I would love to be remembered as what I have been until now, a passionate creator who happened to capture images of special moments, people and places on click, one flash at a time.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If we talk about the city of Miami, it is one of the places in the world that has everything to live intensely, if I had to show the city, I would start by going to have breakfast in some place with typical Cuban food that is delicious, then go to a shopping time, since Miami’s malls always have good deals to take advantage of, often as it is summer and the day is long, go to the beach and sunbathe and enjoy outdoor activities, as Miami fills you with energy, dine in any of the excellent options offered by the varied gastronomy, and then party until the body lasts.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
These words are mainly dedicated to my family who have been a fundamental pillar in all my professional growth, they are my first fans, they are what have celebrated each of my achievements with me, and have supported me in each of my decisions, without them I could not tell my story, secondly but not least to each of those people who have been my clients and have become great friends, whom I have had the honor of portraying and being part of their stories, thank you for trusting in me and in my work.
Instagram: eden_blanco
Twitter: @edenblanco