We had the good fortune of connecting with Eliana Ghen and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Eliana, what is the most important factor behind your success?
The most important factor behind my success is the fact that I never took “no” as a reason to quit or stop. In fact, the reason that made me push on TikTok and social media was the fact that I was getting so many “no’s” in the industry of acting. I wasn’t hearing back at all on auditions, so that was key to push me towards my success, since I had no where else to go except make something for myself that didn’t involve me relying on a company, director, or producer to say “yes.” I said “YES” to myself. Also what helped me so much was the fact that my husband Marshal was so supportive, and the days I would want to quit, he would say “NO,” and it made me say “OK,” I committed to this, and I AM NOT QUITTING. That internal dialogue was the catapult for my success. It’s so important to have people that believe in you, sometimes even more than you believe in yourself.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am an actor, writer, and producer. What sets me apart from others is that I do everything and I never have it like something is not my job, including acting, writing, producing, editing, sound design, sewing, and whatever else I need to learn, I know I can learn it. I also get to express myself on my Tiktok and I know I can do whatever it is that I want and put the content out there and I don’t have to wait for someone to tell me it is okay or that I can’t or I have to do it a certain way. The creative freedom is limitless. I also promote positivity and do life coaching, which I love because it makes a difference for people. It wasn’t easy getting here because I was making it harder than it needed to be, but the second I realized I am the creator of my path, I started seeing a path where before I didn’t. I want the world to know that just because someone says “no” doesn’t mean they are the gate keeper to get you in. It just means you find another way. You don’t need them. You never did.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I would take them to the beach because that is one of the highlights of Florida, but not just any beach, I would take them to Deerfield beach! Then, I would take them to eat at Plant Miami, which is the best restaurant for a vegan plant based diet that I have found, and even if you’re not vegan, it’s so incredible to eat there. I would also take them to the best sushi restaurant that I have eaten at, which is Furin in Delray. I would go there all the time if I lived up there. I would take them dancing bachata, at some of the bachata clubs. There is also a new keto restaurant that opened up in Hollywood, which is a coffee and pastry shop called Mystic Coffee. The people that work there are incredible and the food, pastries, and coffee is so amazing. It tastes like magic.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are a bunch of people that have made a huge difference in my life and deserve a shoutout. My incredible wonderful husband Marshal is the reason I am where I am today. He is my better whole and is always so amazing in our personal life as well as my professional one. He is definitely my soulmate and such an incredible person. My dad is my NUMBER 1 supporter besides for my husband. He is always telling people how proud he is of me and always encouraging me to keep going no matter what. He has helped more people in the world than anyone else I have ever known. My mom is also my number 1 supporter. She is always always so optimistic, and she is the funniest person ever. What’s so great about that is that she doesn’t even know she is funny. MY SIBLINGS!! I LOVE them so much. Becky, Elliot, Kenzie, Kylie, and Aviya are literally why I am so outgoing. I don’t think I would have been able to develop that if it wasn’t for all of them. My Nonna and Grandpa are so amazing. My Nonna is the most powerful human being I know and my Grandpa, who LOVES my Nonna so much, that I modeled my relationship with my husband after theirs. My grandpa loves my TikToks and when Nonna calls me she says Grandpa watches my Tiktoks over and over again and she can hear him in the other room cackling. My teachers that taught me so much deserve a huge shoutout–Jane Kelly, Adam Stoner, Bernard Hiller, and my NYCDA teachers, Steve, Maggie, Ginger, all changed my life. My husband’s family is also literally the best second family I could ever ask for. It’s funny because Marshal’s dad (Mark) and my dad are so much alike and SOOO different at the same time, so I feel like he is my dad, and he is also the best at what he does like my dad. Carrie, Marshal’s mom, is the sweetest human being, just like my mom, and I feel like she is also another mother to me. She cares about people so much and about the planet. Marni is one of my best friend’s and mentors. So many huge life moments happen and happened with her. Marissa is amazing. She does event planning, designing, she planned Marshal and my wedding, she is amazing at what she does, and did it all because she loves us. My best friend, Chelle Ramos, not only is she a phenomenal actress, but she is such an incredible human being. I always wanted to have a friend that’s on a wave length I aspire to be on, and she is that for me. I can tell her anything and we are both very committed to each other’s success. There are are sooooooo many people that I haven’t listed, but if you have ever had a conversation with me, YOU BELONG on this list, whether it was a simple hi, a simple conversation, a kind comment, or a negative one, and anyone I have ever met, you are on here too. Also, my Bubby, who is in heaven now, deserves a big mention. Ever since I was little, she would always come to every show I was in, even when I had been doing the same show 100 times, she would be there right in the front row, and she is still in my front row. This will probably be the longest section of this entire article, but the people in your life that you surround yourself with are YOU, and they helped make you who you are, and all the credit goes to them.

Website: elianaghen.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eliana_ghen/

Twitter: Eliana Ghen

Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/ElianaGhenMEpictures

Other: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elianaghen?enter_from=h5_t&lang=en IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5243688/

Image Credits
A fan that made a picture of me based on series that I did on tiktok called the “hit woman” series, and then the other one was made by the incredible Hanna P. Here is a link to her tiktok. https://www.tiktok.com/@pengoart?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESMgow0gZIvJqtjvTknGNicTpS7qZIRxs%2FJHPacLm4pb853VL9TFAMf%2B7oQH3kLRjPuEvXGgA%3D&language=en&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAArhhI7o6h-D-dxQU8A2rTH4aRoyvCVZZUSwsJvIJrJcNoFf5Q5cA-_xpyJoSKxFPY&share_item_id=6929468393670118657&share_link_id=3E6C76E1-7B71-45F4-9CE9-31C9A2F621CE&timestamp=1613480848&tt_from=copy&u_code=d8l6f3lfkj2ieb&user_id=6748074590692541446&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&source=h5_m The others were taken by my Husband Marshal Mintz, and the brown hair headshot in the first section was done by Chris Headshots

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutMiami is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.