Meet Fernando Martinez | Co-Founder & Co-Owner

We had the good fortune of connecting with Fernando Martinez and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Fernando, let’s talk legacy – what do you want yours to be?
Definitely I want my children to remember me as a person who was able to always reach his goals, and must important i want them to see me as a person that always try no matter what situation is. I always try to teach them there is nothing impossible to do, often I tell them that we don’t loose, we learn, and if we win we have to be grateful, I always emphasize as ‘we” because I see us as one, one team that help each other, that is the reason why I chose to name the store ”Martinez Furniture”, I want my children to see themselves in the company, it has their last name on it!. I’m also very blessed to have my wife, the rock of my life!, We have dedicated our love and sacrifice for our kids and our company, and it hasn’t been easy, but we wouldn’t change it for the world!. So I want people to remember me as a person who put God and his family in a vehicle and drove around life, even with all the ups and downs that appears in our journey, we are always ready for battle together as one.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
First i want to Thank God, because he put all the right people and tools in my life. To start in a Chronological time, i have to put my mother, i couldn’t have a better person in my life, i am what i am because of her, i’ve learn in how to always have patience and find the best in every situation no matter how hard it looks, its amazing in how she makes me see things in a different perspective, until this day i always ask for her advice before any big decisions. Of course my wife, the queen of my life, we’ve been together for 10 years, and we have grown together so much! and not only shes my wife and the mother of my children, but she is also my business partner, i always count on her in anything, together we’ve seen it all and we are so ready to see what else its coming to us in life, And last and not least, my biggest blessing my son and daughter Lucas and Miranda, the joy of my universe, there is no moment in my day, dreams and prayers that i don’t think of them, they have definitely change my life for better giving me the strength to get up every day and do what it takes to always make them proud.
Instagram: @martinez_furniture