We had the good fortune of connecting with Joshua Banner and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Joshua, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
One of the major factors I considered before leaving medicine to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams, was work life balance.

After completing 3 years of medical school, I completed my MBA whilst dabbling in e-commerce sales. Upon completion, I spent a year working remotely, building my company, and traveling the world from Vietnam to Morocco for 6 months, all with the intention to return to medical school after. Across 20 countries, it was amazing and challenging with different time zones and internet speeds. While constantly moving every few days/weeks, I saw an incredible wealth of beauty and culture, but unique struggles came about. The persistence, grit, and perseverance that I learned from this climate helped me overcome future challenges with ease.

It was about 4 months in, whilst sitting on a gabled window ledge in Belgrade, Serbia, with a friend in an old house we had rented, that I realized what mattered: freedom, self-determination, autonomy, and control of my time and schedule. I wanted to achieve success on my terms and be able to travel, spend time with family friends, and balance my work better. I decided from that moment forward to pursue my self-actualization and never looked back.

As a result, I have worked remotely and successfully for a decade. Since 2016, my wife and I have lived 6 months in Spain and 6 months in Miami each year, enjoying the best of what each has to offer…on our terms.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
With over a decade of start-up experience and a focus on e-commerce, Cultivate Profit has helped generate millions of dollars in revenue for its clients. Through our creative, data-driven approach and proven track record of customer acquisition, Cultivate Profit helps small to medium sized online startups tackle the first major hurdles to scaling operations, optimizing processes and growing teams to drive revenue growth and increase profits.

Utilizing a holistic approach with our “root to canopy” design, we build efficient processes from the ground up, ensuring our client’s teams continue to function at a high level after our work completes. Our optimization of marketing, supply chains, and teams, drives customer acquisition and consistently lowers overhead costs alongside rising profits. We partner with top creatives in the industry to showcase the best version of your company, what you’re building, and the problems you’re solving.

Whether you are a new startup or a more established company looking to regain profit margins, drive scale, or strengthen supply chains, our clients hire us as an extension of their executive team. Industry agnostic, we’ve delivered countless value to firms with goods or services online by optimizing processes, building efficient teams, delivering top-notch marketing content, harnessing data analytics and much more.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Lately, I really enjoy the Citadel / Miami Shores area. Less traffic and less crowds, but a quick jaunt over to North Beach too. There are some new spots popping up near The Anderson, and the area of Little River is nearby. Sadly, Churchill’s pub closed down for now, but you can grab a good bite/drink nearby at Clive’s or Chef Creole if you head west. I also enjoy Sherwood’s Bistro (shout out to the whole lacquered duck) and ok, I’m gonna spill the beans…the absolute best Laotian food in Miami is https://www.lillaos.com/ (and you MUST get the whole fried snapper with homemade fermented sauce). When you are ready for the sand, head over to Sushi Erika in North Bay Village en route first. Then, end up at the freehand for drinks when the sun’s heading down.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My shout out is dedicated to my wife. Right now she is pregnant and running her industry awarded, top financial marketing firm…kicking butt all the way! She’s a top woman owned firm in a male dominated space (asset management) and continues to amaze me, with her prowess, grit and determination to never give up or let any challenge get in the way of her dreams of career success. I know she’s gonna keep crushing it with her expanded team and even more so, be a fantastic mom to our children. I love you and I look forward to our newest adventure…onward, together!

Website: https://www.cultivateprofit.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-banner-mba-ab5100222/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutMiami is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.