Meet Kay Shriner | Fashion Model/Micro-Influncer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kay Shriner and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kay, what do you attribute your success to?
I can sit here and name off a numerous amount of important factors to my continuing success, but the number one factor that comes to my mind is drive.
The way I define drive is being able to have the world weighing on your shoulders and still be able to get up and conquer each day with the best attitude possible. Life will forever throw curve balls and put you through some crazy hurdles. That is the frustrating part about life, but there is also beauty in the struggle. Life has put me in some hard situations and it was hard to understand why it was happening to me. The dark times when I never thought I would ever escape is the times I learned the most valuable lessons. Life is all about learning and growing into being better than something bigger than just yourself. We are all on this earth to serve a purpose. The lessons are there to teach us that purpose and to give us to drive to keep going in order to find the answers while also finding happiness, love and joy along the way. Drive is what allows me to get up every day and continue to pursue my dreams. Drive is what fuels my tank when it’s low. Drive will get me to where I am destined to be and when I look back on how hard I worked, I will give myself my flowers and know if I didn’t continue to push myself the way I did I wouldn’t of exceeded my goals and expectations.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Years ago, I was on a different life path that was very similar to the status quo. Do sports, go to school, get an education and a good job. That was my plan for years and I was on the path and doing so. Then, my life took a really unexpected turn and I made some big decisions that would change the direction of my path.
It took me off the status quo journey I was on. For awhile, I didn’t have a path. I was stuck doing the same thing day after day not feeling any passion for what I was doing. I would sit and regret past choices I made because I knew if I didn’t make those choices, I wouldn’t of been feeling stuck. I was feeling stuck for about 3 years. During those years, life came at me even harder than before and it seemed impossible to get out of the dark tunnel I was in. Depression and anxiety controlled my entire life and I became a lost soul. 2020 came along and everything changed. I got offered the chance to try modeling and for once in my life, I took a risk and tried it out. I never looked back since. 2020 was the year of realization for me. It showed me that I could be passionate about something else other than the sport I used to play. And it gave me the confidence I needed back. 2 years into the game, I have been able to do things I never thought I could ever do and I’m not even done yet. I still have other goals that I want to accomplish outside of modeling, but right now modeling is on the front line. I believe that’s what sets me apart. Being a soldier and never fully letting the bad parts of life completely take over who I am. I make mistakes just like everyone else, but I know deep down who I am and who I’m supposed to be. I am becoming more consciously aware and putting in the time and effort into growing. I am also very vocal about mental health and in the world we live in now, we need more people we speak up about that important topic.
Overcoming challenges was/is never easy. I’m a firm believer that the situations we are put in is only a test to make us stronger because we are strong enough to handle said challenge. It may not seem like it in the mist of things, but once it’s over we are able to look back and really see how much strength we had without knowing it. I am very fortunate to have a great support system to pick me up when I can’t stand on my own two feet. Sometimes, life seems too unbearable to stand.
I can’t even begin to explain all the lessons I have learned throughout my 26 years of life. I would say the most important lessons I’ve learned so far are;
1: You cannot let people have too much power over your life. Do not be so dependent on another human being to where you cannot simply function without them. You are your own person with power over your own life. Giving individuals too much authority over you can put you in bad situations.
2: Be careful on who you decide to show your compassion and love too. There are sadly people out there who do not have your best interest at heart. Don’t skip the red flags or your gut intentions.
3: Always be willing to learn and grow. You are human who makes mistakes all the time, but those mistakes don’t define you as a person. Allow your mistakes to help you elevate to the next level.
What I want the world to know about me and my brand is that we are authentic.
We are transparent with who we are, our morals and values and we allow those things to shine through to inspire others. You never know who is watching you and looking up to you, so why not give them something to look up too? We are the future and we are the blueprint for what happens to the generations to come after us. We have the ability to change the world with our passions and our love. We don’t need to follow trends and chase something solely because of money. We are ourselves and use our passions as a way we live our lives and to provide for ourselves. Money will always be there. It flows like a river. But a true love and passion is rare to come by. Don’t waste your God given talents.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well, this is a perfect question because I just moved to a new city! YAY! I moved from Portland to Vegas. I’m still getting to know the city and all it has to offer. If my best friend came into town, we would definitely go eat at some amazing restaurants on and off the strip. We could find some good brunch spots as well, get all dressed up and cute! I would also want to go check out some shows such as the Michael Jackson Cirque Du Soliel or the Jabbawockeez show (maybe even catch Magic Mike hehe). Another thing we would do is take advantage of the beautiful shopping malls in Fashion Show, the Forums Shops, and other hotels on the strip. Each hotel is so different with its theme and presentation and we would explore it all. Coming from Oregon, I’m used to a certain type of weather, so living in Vegas where its hot a lot more times out of the year, her and I would be outside as much as possible. Whether it be hanging out at the pool at my complex, to ATVs, pool parties, whatever it maybe! We would soak in every ounce of vitamin D! At night, going out to the night club scene for a girls night out is something her and I love to do, so we would hit up some clubs and dance the night away!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are different people who I want to give a special shoutout to. First one being God. He has stuck beside me throughout my entire life and he has showed me true love and mercy. Without his grace, I wouldn’t be half of the person I am today and the whole person I’m going to become. He has blessed me with so many opportunities in my life, but also has taught me some of the hardest lessons. So I thank Him each and everyday morning and night because without Him, I wouldn’t be me.
To my friends and family: You guys are my backbone and have showed me endless love and support. Even though we may not see eye to eye all the time, we always remember the love we have for one another. Whether we talk everyday or talk only here and there, my relationship with you all is something I value and cherish. I consider all of you apart of my blood. You are all such a blessing to me and you are all extraordinary individuals. I look at you all and really get inspired to become better not just for me, but for you guys. I strive to take care of you all one day and be able to show you how much I appreciate you all and how much you mean to me because words can only go so far. I love you all.
My mom and brothers: You three are my family and I wanted to let you three know how proud I am of you. Mom, I have seen you grow into the woman you are today and I’ve had to witness you go through some heart breaking life situations. I have seen you at your worst when you were down and out, but you kept going.
You kept going for me and the boys and the rest of the family. God has opened your eyes and showed you a new possibility in life and showed you how much worthy you are of true happiness. You do a lot for everyone else and now its time for you to do things for yourself. And to the boys, you are two of the strongest young men I will ever meet in my life. I admire your strength and the way you push through life in a light hearted way. You two remind me of how important It is to have a relationship with your siblings and how siblings need to have each other’s back. I will do anything for you two. I will take a bullet for you both if I had to because I love you so much. I cannot wait to see the men you both grow up to be!
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Instagram handles: @_adamkocka @shotsbychubbs @jacobsenv.studios @kale_pdx @andre_waymond @cooperrpattison