Meet Kevin McNeil | Retired Detective & Transformational Speaker on Abuse and Trauma

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kevin McNeil and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kevin, what is the most important factor behind your success?
Truthfulness. I think being honest about who you are helps you connect with other people. Business is not about making money, it is about helping people. People are the worlds greatest resource. If we can learn to love and invest in people we will create a world of abundance. Knowing the truth set us free from false beliefs and assumptions that some are more valuable than others. My business is helping people confront the truth about our culture and how to improve it.
I find many people are in search of meaning. Yet, we have created a culture of measurement where we compare ourselves based on material possessions and accomplishments. None of this means anything if we are not honest enough to share ourselves with the world.
What should our readers know about your business?
I own a consulting business called The Twelve Project. My goal is to help organizations, families, and individuals learn more about trauma and the effects of abuse.
What sets my service apart from others is that I am a male rape survivor, retired special victims detective, minister, and educator. After investigating child abuse, domestic violence, and human trafficking cases for twenty years I was surprise to learn abuse was at the core of most of the problems in our society. I was placing people in jail but noticed there were far more people in their personal trauma prisons. We were responding to symptoms like violence, poverty, human trafficking and juvenile delinquency when the real problem was unresolved trauma.
It was difficult going to work everyday knowing I was only responding to symptoms. I was burnout and now I knew why. No one in my department knew of my secret past of being kidnapped, raped, and almost murdered. It was difficult making a decision between what I loved and what I felt called to do. However, I didn’t want to regret not living up to my responsibility to help abuse survivors heal. So, I decided to leave law enforcement.
It was not easy. I never owned a business nor did I know any business owners. I started attending conferences on abuse and asking around how to get into the consulting public speaking business. Luckily my talent for public speaking help me get booked as a speaker.
When times got difficult I always remembered the victims I encountered during my career. Companies wanted motivational speakers not someone who was talking about abuse. Churches and corporations turned down my request to help their organization create abuse free cultures. The non-profit organizations I spoke for already had a list of their most frequent speakers. I spent many days wondering if I made the right decision to leave law enforcement. But then I got a break.
A lady named Debbie Flowers heard me speak and introduced me to someone at a child advocacy center. She gave me an opportunity to use my gift in the right environment.
What I learned is that you must keep working for what you believe in. Do not worry about getting an opportunity, focus on your craft and mission. Prepare, study, and be curious.
Know your worth. If you do not value your gift, why should anyone else?
I want the world to know we all have a responsibility to create a better world for our children.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Our we would start the week by visiting centennial park in downtown Atlanta. We would also visit Chops Steak House to have dinner. Then the following day we would check out the a play at The Alliance Theater.
Midweek we would just chill at the house, grill, and catch up. The following day we would attend a concert or sporting event. Then I would end the week by inviting them to attend my local church.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Dr. Percy Johnson is a therapist, educator, pastor, and leader who helped me develop my sense of worthiness. Prior to meeting Dr. Johnson I felt like I had no purpose in life. He took me under his wing and taught me how to love myself as a human being.
I send a shoutout to him because he never gave up on me.
Instagram: Kevin_mcneil_