We had the good fortune of connecting with Lamar Asherua (previously Ahrashe and Lamar Jr.) and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lamar, what matters most to you?
For me there are 2 Important Values and Principles that matter most to me. 1) Is Living A Life of Purpose. Growing up in America, we are taught to prioritize our titles, positions, how much money we make and what material things we have. For example if your job is being a garbage collector or janitor, you are looked as less than as someone who might be a CEO of a company or a lawyer, etc. This in my opinion, is unhealthy for a society. Some may perceive one more important than the other but imagine what our communities would look like if no one came to pick up the recycling bins every week? True Success is Being internally Happy while contributing to the lives of others. 2) Is Family. The people who you come from and the roots you come from. Our Ancestors who survived everything tracing all the way down the roots of your family tree. No ones family (including mine) is perfect but I am blessed and lucky to have a great loving family.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
In January 2019, I moved to California to further my dreams of becoming a full-time artist. I moved there with about $300 I had from working as a carnie at an amusement park. I didn’t know anyone or have any family support, seeing that they lived completely on the other side of the country. I felt a deep passion and inner calling to change my environment (which is one important lesson I learned). If you’re an artist, you can create art anywhere, but to thrive you must change your environment. Environment is very important, a polar bear cannot thrive living in a dessert, it will eventually die. During this transition in my life , I was working just about any job I could find while doing my art on the side. However when COVID struck I ended up losing my stable-income and ended up homeless for the next 3 years. It was a blessing and a curse because it left me no other option but to pursue my art full-time. It was very difficult. You lose confidence and people can really kick you when your down. There were periods of time that I wanted to quit every single day of the week, for weeks and for months. but for some reason I never did. That’s another valuable lesson I learned, no matter what you do, never quit or give up on your dreams. There will be days where you’re not feeling 100% and some days where you don’t have the capacity to do anything, but you must realize you are worthy of living a good life and the world needs you. Everyone no matter how big or small, is important.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would definitely recommend them to check out the Wynwood Art District in Miami. It is an evolving environment and there is artwork everywhere of all styles. From Graffiti to Fine-Art to Dance Studios and Art-Galleries. I’m still considered new to the area however, seeing as I haven’t been in Miami for more than a few months.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Surprisingly to me, it became a very lonely journey when I decided to turn my love and passion for Art into a full-time lifestyle. I’m sure some Artists will relate, Its not always easy for to communicate to others because we communicate with our Art. So a lot of times we are misunderstood, even by those close to us. However if any one deserves this Shout Out, it would be my mom and my sister. Our Family comes from challenging environments and poverty. However my mom and my sister’s work-ethic, resilience, endurance, and strong love persisted and inspired me to become a man of love, passion and integrity.

Website: asherua.com

Instagram: instagram.com/asherua.art

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutMiami is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.