Meet Michael John Carlin | Model, Actor, Athlete, Teacher

We had the good fortune of connecting with Michael John Carlin and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Michael John, what role has risk played in your life or career?
When I reflect on my life, I feel that taking risks and taking chances has enabled me to achieve my goals and to set the course of my life. I just turned 59 a couple days ago and last year at the age of 58 I began an acting and modeling career., Hopefully a new career filled with new dreams and new possibilities. I believe that without taking risks, we can never achieve our full potential. Who would believe at the age of 58 I would be walking the runway during Miami Swim Week and participating in NYFW. Also getting offered and modeling contract by a major talent agency that represents many major models and actors in the New York and LA market. Even when I was younger, and following my dream of playing professional baseball taking risk was always a part of my life. If we don’t step outside ourselves, we will never accomplish all that we can become. You to listen to that little voice deep inside of you that leads you on your journey of self discovery. In the end we all have to walk this path called life alone. People will guide us and give us inspiration,knowledge, comfort ,suggestions, but in the end, we all have to follow our own heart our own dreams. Whiteout risks I believe we can never accomplish all that we can be or all that the world needs us to be.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
After my professional baseball career ended I was struggling to find my identity in life all my life. I was a an athlete and now I had to pour my energy and my soul into something else. I decided to enter into the teaching profession I began my teaching career teaching fourth grade in Chinatown New York City. I just received my first masters for Fordham University in elementary education. I was about to begin my first job teaching in a self-contained classroom. It was a challenge, but also very inspiring learning about the culture meeting new people and gaining valuable insight into different cultures and ideas I taught for several years in the elementary school setting, but I was interested in transitioning to the older kids. I moved out to Los Angeles and I taught in East LA. I was teaching junior high school language arts and social studies. I tasught for several years and I moved to Miami. I wanted to get back into athletics and teaching sports fitness health and nutrition to young people I decided to go back to school and achieve my second masters in physical education and sport pedagogy. for last seven years I’ve been teaching at a K-8 school in Miami Florida .
I think the thing I am most proud of is that my ability to persevere not only was I working full-time, but also going to school full-time to achieve my masters degrees. It hasn’t been easy. It’s been a lot of challenges along the way a lot of heartache alot of disappointment but I believe in the end, we don’t choose our destiny or destiny chooses us. You can’t run from who you. You can try to, but I think in the end we wind up where we belong.During those difficult times when you felt like you wanted to give up or wasn’t worth it and nobody appreciated you. I thought of an acronym that I created called H3. It consist of three important things. I think everyone should try to implement into their own lives .Number 1 is Honor your gift. Find your gift whatever that might be !and embrace it. Don’t waste your talent and your time. Respect what Godhas given you and use that gift to help yourself and more importantly help humanity. Number two is to honor yourself.
don’t be too hard on yourself. Be appreciative of all that you’ve accomplished give yourself credit. Don’t demean yourself by doing things that embarrass or hurt yourself or your family Number three honor others.follow golden rule treat others like the way you like to be treated , If follow those three things you’ll be OK in life.
In modeling and acting, they are always talking about how to create your brand. what is going to make you stand out from others in your field? I want my brand to be one that built upon helping others and having empathy for others. I am hoping that in my next career I can I can accomplish many things that will give me a voice to help things that are important in my life I’m involved and deeply passionate about animal rescue and the horrific things that are done to innocent animal involved in the horrific ax in you in China the dog meat trade or innocent animals are swooped up off the street burnt alive and cut up to be fed as meals I’m hoping to be able to use my voice to be a powerful influence in the animal rescue community and hopefully one day my own animal rescue
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I would begin with a breakfast at Versailles on 37th and eighth. Great Cuban food. If you’re looking for a great lunch, you can go to Berries in Coconut Grove. For dinner, you can check out Morton steakhouse in Coral Gables on miracle Mile. Great steaks.
Another place to check out would be the Brickell city center. Movie theater shopping restaurants anything you need in Miami you can find at the Brickell city center.
Also, you have to check Out Ocean Dr., South Beach. All the historic oceanfront hotels, Great places to grab a quick drink and an appetizer.
For sporting events you can get to the hard rock stadium to watch the Dolphins or on Biscayne Boulevard you can check out the Miami Heat.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I must begin with the greatest shout out of all none of this will be possible without the grace and love of the Almighty Jesus Christ. I put all my faith in him trust in him believing him, and he’s never forsaken me. All that I accomplish on this earth is because of him, all my accomplishments and all that I am is my praise to him and all glory goes to the Almighty God . my wife, Cecilia, the love of my life, my rock and my foundation without her I could’ve never began this new career, began this new journey. She still by my side, offered encouragement support, and has been there through thick and thin all my love to her to my parents, my father is deceased and is resting now with the Almighty told me the value of hard work dedicate his life to his family offered many hours of encouragement, taking me to games and practices help me to achieve my goal to become a professional baseball player may rest in peace love you, dad and to my mom who like my father has always been supportive of me has been a caregiver a shoulder to cry on a mother who always looked out for her son. My love is with her always these people I shout out to them. I give them my upmost, affection and love I thank them from the bottom of my heart .