We had the good fortune of connecting with T.J. Hope and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi T.J., why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I pursued an artistic and creative career because it feels truest to my authentic self. I feel that we are all given gifts and purpose. When we are genuine to ourselves and give in to these gifts, it becomes the most fulfilling existence. Being able to make a living from naturally given talent is the icing on the cake. Whether I am writing or having an event, I’m enjoying myself. It’s a career that doesn’t feel like “work”.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a published author, spoken-word artist and event curator. I write Urban Fiction and Erotica. I have five published novels and two anthologies. My books have garnered five-star reviews from professional book reviewers and die-hard urban fiction readers. My books are fast-paced, realistic stories with relatable characters and situations.

I curate two events monthly through my company, TJ Hope Presents, LLC. We provide platforms for developing artists to develop their craft, collaborate and gain fans and followers. I am very passionate about the events that I curate here in South Florida. I am very proud of the longevity of both events.
-The Love Jones Open Mic Experience started in May 2016. We vibrate love through talent and creativity. Love Jones is an all-arts open-mic platform showcasing poets, spoken-word artists, singers, hip-hop artists, and comedians.. This event is held monthly, every second Thursday of the month. We celebrated eight years this past May.
-Eargasm: Poetry and Chill began in September 2017. It is a raw, sexy and uncensored erotic poetry and erotic comedy platform. Poets and Comedians express themselves erotically on the mic. This event has gathered a large following and has been displayed at large venue, such as the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center, Eargasm is held every forth Friday.

I left corporate America to become a full-time entrepreneur in 2018. It has not and is not always easy, but it is always worth it. I’ve faced many challenges which I have no regrets. Those challenges have been the best teachers, Income can fluctuate with entrepreneurship. I’ve learned budgeting and money management. Self-discipline and Consistency have also been imperative lessons that continue to contribute to my success. I hope to inspire others to follow their gifts and dreams. The freedom and fulfillment of purpose is amazing,

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
My favorite spots in the city:

To Eat: Just Spoons (upscale Soulfood restaurant, The Historic Downtowner (can get a table along the New River Waterway), Shooters Waterfront, LuLu’s (Ft. Lauderdale Beach – love their alligator bites and fish bowl drinks), Tap 42,

To Drink: Rock Bar, LuLu’s, many lounges and restaurants to choose from here in South Florida.

To Hang Out: T.J. Hope Presents Event, Hard Rock Guitar Hotel, Biscayne Bayfront and South Beach Ocean Drive strip, Las Olas and Discovery of Science Museum.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I’d like to give a Shoutout first off to the South Florida Poetry Community and all of the artists that utilize my stages to collaborate, grow their craft and following, We have become a community of like-minded creatives and I feel blessed, empowered and forever motivated by your showing of support.

Also, Shoutout to my readers, poetry connoisseurs and lovers of the arts that support me on multiple platforms. I appreciate your support. I do this ALL FOR YOU, fellow lovers of written and spoken art.

Website: https://www.tjhopepresents.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/author_tjhope/

Twitter: https://x.com/author_tjhope

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authortjhope

Image Credits
PG Imagery, Millionheiress Club, Ebunix Productions

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutMiami is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.