We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.

Dena Stewart | Dena Stewart and Stewart Stewart – Artists, Producers Alive on South Beach video show, Founders/Facilitators Center for Folk & Community Art outreach organization, writers, actors, etc.

Teamwork. Dena and Stewart get up, show up, trust our instincts, persevere, and remain consistent. Our multiple brands are successful because we are gratified by the way we spend our time. As artists/writers, we find time to paint and write. As facilitators for Center for Folk and Community Art (CFCA), we continue to involve community members in our outreach projects. As producers of Alive On South Beach®™, we provide entertaining/educational videos that appeal to viewers of all ages. Read more>>

Corina Brown | Artist of Wild & Free Jewelry

I think the most important factor for me has been my ability to consistently show up for my art. There’s been many times over the years where I’ve hit a crossroads and had to decide to pivot in goals or approach. I’ve always been able to maintain a patience and flexibility during these times and I think it’s ultimately led to a strong commitment that inevitably creates success. I’ve been immersed in my creative career for almost thirteen years now and the one thing that’s remained consistent is my love and commitment to art. When everything is driven by purpose and admiration, there’s no other option than to become flexible with the journey and open to it unfolding in ways beyond imagination. This has served me well because perceived failures become mechanisms to pivot and grow further into the creative dream. Read more>>

Anna De Mondey | VP Marketing – Infinity Marketing Solutions ICS

At Infinity Marketing Solutions, we saw a significant gap in the market for truly comprehensive 360-degree marketing services tailored to the hospitality, travel, and real estate sectors. These industries require more than just creative branding—they demand marketing strategies that not only elevate their brand presence but also convert efforts into measurable sales. This realization drove us to create Infinity Marketing Solutions, where we combine creativity, strategy, and performance. Read more>>