The deciding factor: what’s the most important factor behind your success?
There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
It was being in an intersection of both history and geography that, along with my willingness to break the rules that propelled my success. No one was doing what I began with the fusion of classical cuisine and the dishes of, at first Key West and then South Florida. I was deeply inspired by two books and also inspired by chefs in other parts of America who were breathing life in the cuisines of their regions in vibrant, delicious ways. When I delivered a speech in Santa Fe in 1992 titled ‘On Fusion Cooking’ it was a shift that goes on to this day. I did not ‘invent’ Fusion Cooking. It has been around for millennia. I christened it that day. Read more>>
The most critical factor behind the success of both myself and my brand involves a two-part approach: taking action and effective planning. These two elements work hand in hand and have been instrumental in achieving our goals. Firstly, the concept of “Just Do It” has been a driving force. Taking action is paramount because it propels me forward, turning ideas into reality and maintaining momentum. It’s about overcoming procrastination and fear and gaining valuable experience that contributes to my success. Read more>>
Without hesitation, the most important factor behind any success I have in my artistic pursuits is that I stay close and connected to the One who gifted me. God is the reason I can push through any hard moments in my career and come out on the other side a better artist, and a better person. Now I realize that may not be a strictly business-oriented response, however my experience has shown me that the ability to preserver and to grow is absolutely vital in this business. Read more>>
The company formed and grew around the concept of bringing history and art back to life within the modern home. Coming from Europe, I have a love of history and my husband works within the fashion industry. I found that people felt pigeonholed into very ultra-modern, stark white and cream open concept designs and were unable to envision the merging of antiques, art, fashion, and interior design. I created a company that used the best of home design, from high end handmade wallpapers to custom created furniture and art. This allowed for the spaces to be curated specifically to feel sophisticated, inviting and to allow conversation to flow from the showcased artifacts, and one-of-a-kind design pieces. Read more>>
I would say staying motivated and consistent plays the biggest part in my success in the music industry. Anyone can write a song and record it, but to actually do it on a regular basis and to keep pushing it is completely different. Read more>>