Artists & creatives on why they pursued a creative career

Artistic and creative careers are among the most rewarding, but they also come with unique challenges. We asked some of the city’s best creatives to tell us why they choose to pursue a creative career.
I’ve always been very creative, and my parents always encouraged me to explore that creativity. My mom has actually worked in the fashion industry for 25 years, working as a designer for Vera Wang for 5 of them. When I was 11, I was given an opportunity to become an actress, which is a career I pursued for 6 years before taking a break from it to pursue other avenues and really get to know myself. Read more>>
From I can remember I was drawn to the arts, whether it was drawing, painting, creating my own magazines from other magazine clippings, being in school plays or singing in the church choir, it’s always been a passion for me. Read more>>
I honestly think it was to just entertain and put a smile on people’s faces. Life is fun but it’s hard. We all have things that keep us mellow and the most popular one I feel is TV and movies. Read more>>
I pursued an artistic/creative career because it is both my passion and apart of my purpose. Sharing parts of myself through the message and melodic expressions of my music and story telling has become extremely humbling and grounding for me. People are important to me and so is my faith. I believe that God loves us sooo much that he gave us each other. But somewhere along the lines we forgot and or loss sight of just how much of a gift we all were to each other. Read more>>
I come from a very artistic and creative family. My dad is my biggest role model and I’ve always looked up to him since I was a little girl. He’s been my number one fan and best friend. I could not have been luckier. He’s allowed my brothers and I to pursue our own dreams in life and with our careers. Culinary has always been a passion of mine. Read more>>
Growing up in the Caribbean, oral literature was an integral part of my culture. From a very young age I was fascinated by the stories my grandmother told me. They were not just exciting they became a precursor to developing my imagination and growing my critical thinking skills. Our traditional school setting was not the best fit for me so I turned more and more to art as a form of learning, self- expression and exploration. Read more>>
There was really no other choice in my mind for a career path. As a toddler I told everyone that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up and I am fortunate enough to have parents that really cultivated that dream. Growing up, I still wanted to be an artist; I had the ability to create so I didn’t see a reason to do anything else. I loved it. Read more>>
The culinary profession is probably one of the hardest professions there is. , your body physically takes a beating of the seasoned athlete and mentally your beaten into submission because of the accelerated pace you bare for 10-12 hours a day. Those that chose the path do it out of love and passion no one would rightfully except torture if not having it. One of the very few professors where you build a brotherhood along the way. Read more>>