Deciding to pursue an artistic or creative career path isn’t for the faint of heart. Challenges will abound, but so many of the artists we speak with couldn’t be happier with their choice. So, we asked them about how they made the decision in the first place.
Bojidara Ionova | Enamel Artist and Graphic Designer
Art is a universe of possibilities enabling self-expression in countless ways. Viewing life through the prism of shapes, colours and details, I can create a beautiful world through the talent I believe I possess. My path was probably mapped out before I was born. Raised by artists – my grandmother is an actress, my mom a singer, and my dad, a third generation artist – art has become not merely a mode of entertainment and expression, but a way of being. Read more>>
Carolina Menendez | Lifestyle and Wedding Photographer
As cheesy as it may sound, I believe it chose me. I picked up a camera in high school and became mesmerized by the exposure and development process of photography. The photography elective available to me was great but I wanted to soak in more advanced information so I signed up for a photography class in my nearby community college where I was able to learn a great deal more. Since then I knew I had to pursue this as a career somehow, though I had no idea how to do it. Read more>>
Summer Clarke | Freelance Visual Artist & Illustrator
It really comes down to a calling. There is a saying that goes “If it’s your calling, it will keep calling you”. I have been drawing since I was two years old. There was never any other path for me. Whenever I tried to go on a different path it would feel unnatural or like I was denying myself. My efforts always lead me back to being a visual artist. It feeds my soul with an abundant sense of fulfilment. It’s what drives and motivates me through difficult times. The choice came with unwavering clarity. Read more>>