Every overnight success we’ve seen has been years in the making. And those overnight successes are rarely because of an amazing idea or a stroke of luck. We asked some of our favorite folks from the community about what characteristics are at the heart of their success story?
Kristina Smithe | Hiccup Founder
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is making a positive impact on the environment. There is a great need to reduce single use cup waste, and my company is here to eliminate single use cup waste. To date, we have saved 250,000 cups from going to the landfill by providing 8 oz. silicone cups to aid stations at running events. Read more>>
Dayne Di Guglielmo | Kung Fu & Tai Chi Martial Artist
Success can be measured by various factors, all of which are affected by hard work. Each success both major and minor that I’ve experienced in my life have been a combination of two things; a dream and hard work. First it needs to be imagined, then it needs to be worked for. Read more>>
Patrick Janka | Wedding Filmmaker
The defining factor to the success of Luxe Filmography is striking the perfect balance of keeping up with and improving my skills and technology while still retaining timeless storytelling sensibilities. Read more>>
Adrian Bell | Actor, Author & Entrepreneur
That is one of my favorite questions to answer because it’s always the same. At the core of both my personal success and the flourishing of my brand is the steadfast faith I hold in God. This belief not only shapes my values and principles but also fuels my determination and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. I am committed to nurturing a sense of brotherhood among fellow men and entrepreneurs and it has played a pivotal role in my journey. Read more>>