We had the good fortune of connecting with Kori Ascher and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kori, what is the most important factor behind your success?
If pressed to identify one factor as the most important to overall success, it would have to be passion. Persistence, enthusiasm, determination are all derived from my passion towards my mission. Success must be understood correctly. Success does not mean money, fame, or power. Success means a feeling of accomplishment for the efforts you invested towards a goal you have set for yourself. For me, my goal is to not only treat those with chronic lung disease & sleep disorders as their physician, but also to raise awareness within the general community for these topics using the organization I founded Just Breathe Miami. If one person learns something they didn’t know previously about these medical disorders, from efforts of myself or Just Breathe Miami, then I consider it a success. If one person feels that they can better relate to the hardships of patients living with these conditions, then I consider it a success. It’s important to be passionate about your mission for the right reasons. This way with any level of success you achieve, you will always be sincere & proud.. Success is really doing your best effort to peruse your goal and passion is the key to this kind of grand success.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am the founder or the non-profit organization Just Breathe Miami. This organization is a platform for patients, caretakers, AND the general community. It is to raise both awareness and funds for lung conditions and sleep disorders that currently do not have much popularity in our culture. I want patients with these diseases to be better understood by the community and themselves. Many of the medications or treatments prescribed for such conditions are not free, cheap, or easy to tolerate. Similar to cancer treatment, caregivers are not spared from the hardships of treatment. These hardships are not limited to financial stress but also typically include significant emotional tolls. I created the non-profit organization Just Breathe Miami with an annual fundraiser dedicated to a different pulmonary or sleep disease each year. In addition to the medical management we already provide, this is a way for us all to come together, connect with our patients, and share our support for those people significantly impacted by pulmonary disease…… those who struggle to just breathe. Over the last few years Just Breathe Miami has raised almost $20,000 in support of Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and Pulmonary Hypertension Association. This year, 2020, Just Breathe Miami is raising money for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine foundation for obstructive sleep apnea. More information on Just Breathe Miami, partnering foundations, lung & sleep disorders, and contact information, please visit www.justbreathemiami.com .

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I must acknowledge all of my fabulous colleagues throughout my medical training. Collectively my peers, mentors, patients have really motivated me to be professionally happy and accomplished according to my own standards.

Website: www.justbreathemiami.com
Instagram: justbreathemiami
Other: justbreathemiami305@gmail.com drkoriascher@gmail.com