Are you pursuing your passion?

Everyone says follow your passion, but it isn’t that easy. Smart, talented people often decide not to pursue their passion. It doesn’t seem like there is an easy answer and so we asked folks if they are following their passion and why they made that choice.
I am not pursuing my passion in life. My passion is to be married to a rich man and be a rich housewife so I can lay be the pool and fan my self. Instead, I’m spending nearly every waking hour of my life trying to learn how to wear so many hats. I have to be a writer, a marketer, a host, technical equipment operator, graphic designer, social media influencer, and subject matter expert… in addition to being a housewife. And somehow, this feels more fulfilling than pursuing my fantasy passion. Is it though? Read more>>
Absolutely. There is nothing I love more than helping other entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their businesses and see their dreams realized. In both of my businesses, as a leader with Beautycounter and through our marketing consulting company, Always Friday Co, I get to to do that on a daily basis. Read more>>
Passion…. Let’s talk about the word passion. When people refer to “passion”, they usually mean strong emotions reflecting an intense desire or boundless enthusiasm. Some people may think of the word to mean love, desire and romance. Passion for me is the strong desire to fulfill a lifelong dream. So it is this passion that gives me the strong emotional ties the intense desire to succeed in my dream. What is that dream you may ask? Animal Rescue. Animals God’s creatures…. Genesis 1:24-25 says God created the animals from the beasts of the earth to the creeping insects. Read more>>
I am pursuing my passion and I can’t imagine life any other way! Acupuncture healed me in so many ways and being able to help others allows me to help myself, as well.. I believe passion is the foundation for a truly good life. Read more>>