Lessons and wisdom from the community

We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.
Dancing has given me many magic moments in my life. Dancing is a joy that unleashes your creativity, shapes your personality, and develops your body. Anything to do with music is amazing. When I opened the dance studio, I only thought about how to create a space where children would be happy, a place where I can share my experience with them, and create unforgettable memories that would stay with them forever. After all, going through life dancing means always shining. Therefore, in sunny Miami now there is MPEOPLE DANCE CENTER with the best teachers, the best classes, and an atmosphere where children bloom. Read more>>
People think we are in the business of teaching people how to be tough and fight. That’s not wrong, but in reality, we are a community that helps people get to know themselves through Martial Arts. We help people grow mentally, physically and spiritually. Jiu Jitsu is the best tool in the world for self awareness. Through facing your fears and doubts, you will find your strengths and build confidence in you and all you do. We turn a regular human being into warriors, modern day samurais. Read more>>
There are currently no legal regulations or requirements in place for someone to claim to be a fitness trainer in the state of Florida. There is no prerequisite education or minimum competency criteria needed to claim you are a “personal trainer”. This is not only surprising and appalling, but it is also what propelled us to ensure that we uphold the highest standards possible within our own operation. Read more>>
Publicists are constantly under a tight deadline to confirm media placements to promote a release date and consistency is very important too. Read more>>
The most important I’ve learned is to listen to my gut. If something is just not working out, stop pursing it, take a step back, give it space and time. Sometimes there are much better opportunities we’re unaware of around the corner. Read more>>
Being an entrepreneur has taught me so much about myself and my capabilities. From taking risks and trying new things to outsourcing and making many mistakes along the way I have become stronger, braver and more resilient. The most important lesson that my business has taught me is in order to branch out and create new offers you sometimes have to take messy action. Messy action is kind of like throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks without having all the bells and whistles figured out yet. Anytime I have an idea I give it a go – sometimes they stick and sometimes they go away. Read more>>
On October 20th, we are opening a new space in Allapattah, Miami – a 3300 sq. feet warehouse in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city. The gallery is focused on concrete, kinetic art, and the contemporary masters of Latin American and world art. The opening show displays a piece by Vardanega valued at US $150,000. Read more>>