We had the good fortune of connecting with Dana Lynn Kaye and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Dana Lynn, what’s the most important thing you’ve done for your children?
I am a mother of 3 really fun, outgoing kids. My son is 14 and my twins daughters are 11. I have raised them with the mindset of “Lead by example.” I was not the most athletic kid. I wasn’t the best student and it was a struggle for me to even keep my room clean but I watched my mother closely as she work very hard building her business and running our home. I saw how she kept our home clean and multitasked in her busy life juggling being a mother and a successful entrepreneur. I saw how she handled things and never dropped the ball. I paid attention to how she ran her company and spoke with employees and constantly gave of herself with a heart of gold. She was my example but she didn’t force her practices on me. She inspired me with her actions to make me aware of the woman I wanted to be. She made me realize that anything I wanted was possible but I had to put in the work. Of course we’ve had thousands of pep talks over the years but she lead by example. This has been the same approach I have taken with my children. Being an entrepreneur has focused me to have a lot of over lap with my work and home life but it has also allowed my children to see what it takes to grow a company from the ground up. They have been a part of the process. They know keeping our home clean and organized is important and they see how I lead a healthy active lifestyle. Even if house chores and working events all weekend isn’t fun or appealing to them now, they see me doing it and just like I saw my mother. My hope with the “leading by example” approach is that they will have an understanding and a respect for the rewards of hard work.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I am the owner and founder of Devotion Nutrition. I entered a very saturated market with a strong confidence behind my product because I knew it was special and different from other protein powders on the market. Historically protein powder has been known to exclusively make protein shakes and they also taste pretty awful. Most proteins on the market are not equipped to do much more but when I developed a formula that could perform not only as a thick delicious shake without the typical protein taste, but it could also a also become protein pudding, a coffee creamer, and bake like a dream! I knew I had something really special and that excited me. Developing a delicious tasting protein was the easy part since I am third generation in the flavor industry. My parents own the company where I manufacture my products. I had unlimited access to the top product developers in the world however bringing a product to market was not something my family knew how to do so my challenge has always been marketing and getting it into the hands of potential customers. Once people taste Devotion protein and understand all of it’s capabilities, you can see a light bulb go off for them. Once they understand how to use it, the products can literally change someone’s life and that excited the heck out of me! Since a challenge has always been getting in front of people, our marketing money was limited and our team has always been small so l had to use social media as a way to showcase my product. I show up daily with recipe videos on all of our platforms. Consistency has been key and being transparent about my struggles and my own journey has brought customers who have truly connected themselves to the brand even on a personal level. They see how I use Devotion products daily with my family and how it has undoubtedly changed my life. The beauty about my story is that I did not need to launch a brand or even bring this product to market. I wasn’t driven by money. I was driven to help others. I had a great job and I was already making Devotion protein for myself but as my life and body started to change so much and people started to notice, I felt so compelled to share what I was eating and doing to help others achieve their goals. It became my life’s work and mission to do just that.
Grassroots marketing and consistently showing up has been one of my most powerful strategies. keeping my head on straight and my ego in check has been one of my greatest assets. I don’t compare myself to other brands and what they are doing. I stayed true to myself and my mission and always improving my products. of course I said big goals but I’m not in a rush to the finish line because I truly enjoy what I’m doing and the journey that it’s taking to get there. Of course it’s not easy and I have plenty of bad days and get overwhelmed. My mind can definitely play tricks on me of worry and doubt can set in but I also surround myself with incredibly supportive Devotion Nutrition team members who always have each other’s back. We are always all working towards the same goals.
Our brand grew over 500% in one year after many years of struggling and losing money. This was ironically right after a time I sat in my car crying thinking maybe it was time to shut it down once the pandemic hit and prices of everything sky rocketed. Giving up on my dream and my company really never was an option but sometimes when we are faced with the reality that maybe something isn’t working the thoughts can enter your head, however I knew we weren’t going to give up! We made a new plan and stayed the course and finally experienced the largest growth boom we had ever experienced. The perseverance had paid off and that’s a lesson I hope everyone who truly believes in themselves remembers. There is no time limit to win something is supposed to happen. The only way success can happen is if you never give up!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Two people in my life who are there for me every single day on a personal level and a business level is my wonderful mother, Mickey Jacober and my incredible right hand woman, Kelley Fromme. Without these two women in my life I honestly don’t know that I would feel as supported and stable as I do. My mother and Kelley are two people I can truly depend on and would drop whatever they are doing to be there. They both continue to impress me with their brilliant minds and multi talented skill sets. They both have hearts of gold but are tough cookies who set strong boundaries for our small circle. Their work ethics, no matter what level of success they have achieved have never wavered and I could never express my love for these two woman in just a few words. I love you mom and Kelley.
Website: www.devotionnutrition.com
Instagram: @danalynnkaye @devotionnutrition
Facebook: @DevotionNutriton
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DevotionnutritionG
Other: Tik Tok @DevotionNutrition @DanaLynnkaye18