Meet Elena Killgore | Artist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Elena Killgore and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Elena, we’d love to hear more about your end-goal, professionally.
My Dad and I were talking one day when I was in middle school. There was this idea that was surfacing to my mind, simultaneously the same idea came out of my Dad’s mouth. “What if we created a place where people could come and try art.” Years went by of not thinking about it until one day while sitting on the couch at the beach condo it hit me; art isn’t bound to just visual or musical but through many facets. I want to create a space where people can come and create in all creative formats. Art is a way of expression that is tangible to each one of us. I grew up in different creative avenues, from music to visual art.
Many people have told me they either used to create or they can’t create. I believe there’s creativity in each one of us crying to come out in some way, shape or form. I believe we all have something we can say whether thats through words, color or sound. Love shows it’s self through creativity. I want to give the world love through the art of creating in different formats.
By the end of my career I would want to be running the business full time while creating pieces of art in my spare time. I want the business to be global so everyone can try creating. Art tends to be an individual song and I think it would be beautiful to collide two songs and make it one. This world is getting more and more isolating. I’m slowly learning unity is needed now more than ever. My hopes is to bring people together though creativity.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My art has changed over the years and I think will continue to. The only thing that has remained the same is the vast use of color and my heart behind the paint. Painting is my prayer and safe haven. My passion is to paint on big canvases. I feel like I have more room to breath in the space given. I would say what sets my art pieces apart from others is who’s creating the piece. I believe art is a representation of it’s creator. I am most excited to just keep growing as a person and watch my art change in response to that. I am only where I am today by love. People have encouraged me along the way by providing art materials along with kind words which has gotten me this far. It has not been an easy road, my initial thought was the road was going to be quick now I’m realizing the saying “it’s a marathon not a sprint.” One of the most challenging things Iv’e had to overcome is going from looking in the mirror to seeing others. I think life is better when it’s not focused on me but rather focused on serving others. I’m learning I am loved and with that love I’m learning to love myself and others. The message I would want the world to know about me and my brand is my foundation is Jesus.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Life has been so gracious to me. I am adopted from Romania. My birth parents had to make a difficult decision to give me up for adoption. They were very poor and couldn’t afford to take care of me. The family I was adopted into have been my support system since the day they got me. I was very sick when they brought me home from Romania. My Mom’s a registered nurse and my Dad is a lawyer. Mom saw all the medical conditions and knew what needed to take place in order for me to get to normal health. She’s has been the one who fights for me while being my biggest cheerleader. Dad provided everything that was needed and the voice of encouragement. My step Mom has been one of many cheerleaders along the way. My Aunt was one of the first people to invest into my art endeavor,. She is also the one who got me my first set of spray paints and first big canvas. My sister is my best-friend. she’s been my biggest supporter. She is one of the people I look up to, the way she selflessly loves other and me. My family has the heart of gold and Iv’e seen it through the compassion they have shown through the difficult times, the support they have given even-though they didn’t understand me, and the love that never wavered despite my mishaps.