Risk, Reward & Life

We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.
When we think about risks, we believe they’re important because life is full of them. With faith, we can face risks & obstacles without fear. Taking risks in our kettle corn business has led us to new opportunities for growth. We know that not every risk will pay off, but each one is a learning opportunity that helps make our business resilient. In this day and age, despite the struggling economy, everyone wants things faster, and almost everything is done online. Read more>>
Risk has been a constant and transformative force in my career, shaping not only my journey but also my growth as a designer and entrepreneur. From the outset, I’ve taken leaps of faith—whether it was launching my own bridal collection or walking away from a situation to pursue a vision that felt truer to my values. One of the most pivotal risks I faced was my legal battle to regain the rights to my name and right to practice my chosen trade, which meant betting on my ability to find a way forward when circumstances were not in my favor — a good pivot. Read more>>
Generally speaking, I think we often overestimate how big a risk actually is. This is coming from someone relatively new to the ‘real world’ so it may be an ignorant take, but I’ve seen way too many of my friends and contemporaries give up on their passions and aspirations early because ‘there’s too much risk involved’… but really… is there? I’m certainly not implying that everyone can and should give up their steady jobs to pursue their startup, acting career, music career, etc, but also ‘risk’ should never be used as an excuse not to take time each week to take one small step towards investing in oneself. Read more>>
Risk is the main energetic element for me. A quote that I love; “only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot. Growing up with a single mom, raising three children, I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been. It’s only natural to want to protect and want something stable for your children and because of that, music and art was seen as a hobby. You had to have something ‘secure’ in life. An actual job to be able to reach success and independence. I tried it. Read more>>
Risk is necessary, if we don’t take risks we will never know what comes next. I think that as an immigrant taking risks can be scary but also satisfying and even more so when you realize that if you hadn’t done it you wouldn’t be where you are now, for example in my case. I have opportunities to work in incredible tattoo shops. Read more>>