Meet Samia Minnicks | Lifestyle & Wedding Photographer and Photo Restoration Artist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Samia Minnicks and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Samia, other than deciding to work for yourself, what else do you think played a pivotal role in your story?
Outside of working for myself, the single most important decision I’ve made that has contributed to my success is investing in education, workshops and conferences.
In 2015, a photographer that I had been admiring for years started offering one-on-one workshops. At the time, the cost of the workshop was quite a hefty investment for me. I asked my parents to sponsor it, as a birthday gift. They agreed!
Taking that course changed the trajectory of my photography and entrepreneurial career. 6 years later, I have made the cost of the workshop 1000 times over. I think a lot of times we are so apprehensive about spending a lot of money on something when you haven’t started to make a lot of money from your business yet. My parents definitely blessed me and gave me a gift that I see now, keeps giving. Don’t be afraid to invest (or get an investor) in your dreams. Before my parents gave me that money, they had seen me spend years, lots of money and a lot of time on a passion that I was committed to. I think they knew how committed I was to photography and they supported my dreams!
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My brand and my story is led by God and the celebration of beautiful black and brown people. There are not many things I’m sure of, but I know FOR SURE, that God put me on this earth to document and celebrate people of color. Everything that happened in my adolescence and my 20s was a part of God’s plan to ensure that I am exactly where I was meant to be and flourishing in my purpose. There are so many bumps in the road, I could probably write a book. It was not easy and to this day, I am still not perfect. I make huge mistakes, I still take blurry photos from time to time, I forget to do important things, I get overwhelmed by the amount of photos I have to edit and emails I have to send BUT I am grateful. I overcame most of the challenges with the help of my village, patient friends, amazing business “besties” and event better clients. This journey was never meant to be taken alone. I am able to push through the hard days because I have an awesome support system who loves me, calls me out on my slip ups and gasses me up when they are proud of me!
My story is unique. Everyone’s story is unique. It’s also a blessing. Every struggle I’ve gone through to get to this point was worth it. It definitely didn’t feel like it at the time, but it was SO worth it. I’m no where close to where I want to be but I know that as my journey takes me to that point, any time there’s adversity I will find a way to celebrate the struggle because I know it is molding me into the very best version of Samia and Samia Minnicks Photography.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If my bestie was in town, we are definitely eating our way through Richmond. Pre-pandemic we’d be listening to music all throughout Richmond as well!
There are so many local restaurants and the live music scene is one of my favorite parts of the city. On Monday, I’d show my best friend my co-working space that is filled with unique art, locally sourced bites and wine. We’d head up to the rooftop to sip at sunset! Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. Typically, I go for a swim at SWIMRVA, a local aquatic center in the area. Afterward, I’d stop by Adiva Naturals to get all the oils, potions and sprays to make sure that my hair and skin is ready for my favorite night of the week. I’d take her to Addis Ethiopian Restaurant where we’d enjoy dinner while Tuesday Verses, a renowned open mic experience, takes place! Wednesday are recovery day, we’d likely chill and grab mojitos and Cuban nachos from Havana 59. Thursday, we’d head over to the Southside of Richmond, to Pop’s bar and Grill with our lawn chairs to sit out and listen to the sounds of a local band, smoke hookah and dance far beyond sunset. Fridays are the perfect evening to go to C’est la vie , a wine bar with a great atmosphere, wonderful food and service. The weekends are spent exploring Richmond brunches, taking a walk by the river, laying in hammocks by the lake or an overlook of the city. We would definitely be intentional about supporting as many black and brown businesses as possible during her stay!
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I became interested in photography from going through hundreds of old pictures that my parents kept in a box. My mom used to have a camera that I would sneak to school and take pictures of my friends and classmates. I became known for always having a camera and so I decided to start taking classes in school.
Years later, my parents realized that this is what I wanted to do with my life. I recognized their apprehension, torn between wanting me to follow my dreams but also wanting me to have a secure career. I know that they didn’t always understand everything & I know that they didn’t always fully support every decision but they prayed for me, they invested in my dreams and shared with their friends and our family. They deserve the shoutout, because they pushed through what they felt I should be doing or pursuing and found a way to accept that my career is outside of the norm, but I am fulfilling my purpose.
Instagram: @SamiaMinnicksPhotography