Meet zl!ster | Artist

We had the good fortune of connecting with zl!ster and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi zl!ster, other than deciding to work for yourself, what else do you think played a pivotal role in your story?
In 2018 I had a near death experience. I got into a really bad car crash. I was driving up the interstate on my way to Tallahassee at about 7AM in the morning and I crashed into a semi truck at like 70/80 miles per hour. I had somehow passed out with the foot on the accelerator. In the moment, I did not know what was happening, but my vision went from all black to all white, pearly white. I felt like I was in that moment forever, and I felt the most at peace I’ve ever felt in my life. I remember I only had one thought while I was in that state, “If this is my time, that’s okay”, and then everything slowly started coming back to me. I ended up being alright and they told me I wasn’t seriously injured because I was knocked out and didn’t tense up in anticipation of an accident. Ever since that day I’ve really stuck to what makes me happy in my day to day. I think everything else will figure itself out. This is what’s allowed me to be successful, I feel like I’m not afraid to try anything because it can all be taken at a moment’s notice. I feel like judgement from others holds a lot of people back, but I just try to remember we’re all human and everyone starts somewhere. Just do what makes you happy. You can only take the memories with you when you go.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
For me, zl!ster is this high-energy, genre-bending, honest rapper. I write about my experiences. I try to write about them in a way that lets others relate, less about the details and more about the feeling. I feel like I have my own sound that I stay true to. Experimental voices, odd rhyme schemes, and interesting cadences. I’m most excited for my new EP, ‘The Mellow Yellow’. It’s my take on indie rock with a bunch of rap verses in between. It’s supposed to be a break-up EP, but not that part of the break-up where you’re sad and blue about it, but the part of the process where you’ve healed, learned your lessons, and have been mellowed out by it. The mellowness allows you to look at the situation from a different lens. I chose yellow because it’s a color that represents optimism and happiness. At the end of the day, you can’t hold onto negative emotions and feelings. Letting go is all about accepting things for what they are. When you’re able to do that, you’re able to find peace of mind.
I feel like I’m not that deep into my musical journey enough yet to say that I’m necessarily successful or have gotten to where I want to be. I’ve been doing music for less than a year. I think time will tell, it takes a lot of work, but I feel like my love for it has made it all enjoyable. So I guess, yeah, it feels like an easy thing to commit my time and energy to. I’ve learned a few good lessons along the way, but I feel like the most important two are communication and simplification. You have to communicate yourself in an honest way to those around you. Collaborating on music requires honesty. Bachi taught me that. It’s a vulnerable space, and honesty keeps the ship floating. Simplification is also important. Make the music first, do everything else later.
I want the world to know that zl!ster is all about surprises and high energy. I love building worlds around my projects.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Oh man, I love Miami. If I had a friend over we would do a bunch. We would have lunch at Versailles. The food, prices, and location are unmatched. I love a good mojito with croquetas and Mahi Mahi. We’d also rent out a moped and ride our way across South Beach. Maybe take a little detour and end up in Vizcaya. I would definitely show them Star island and all of the beautiful properties on the water. I’d take them on a walk through Little Havana and get a good cortadito just to get an experience of historic Cuban culture. I’d also take them to Wynwood, can’t forget about that! I would have to take them out for a night to experience the Miami nightlife of course. If we’re lucky enough and the NBA is in season we would go to a Heat game! I could go on and on, Miami is an experience, and I love showing my friends around.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Jumping into music was one of the most daunting things I’ve ever done. I have so many people to thank. Shriekin’ Dreamer (Dillon D’Andrea) built everything from the ground up with me, he understood the vision and worked with me on so many late nights, just helping me figure out what I wanted to sound like and what ‘zl!ster’ really stands for. Sean Capistrano was one of my first friends to do music and growing up around him and watching him create his own genre-bending projects inspired me to do the same. Grant Louis saw a lot of potential in me and became my manager and one of my best friends, I feel like he took me seriously early on and inspired me to take music more seriously. Andrew Strickland and I used to work together at the FSU Innovation Hub and we took a blind chance on each other. I had never released a song and he had never shot a music video. We’ve developed a friendship that I’m really thankful for and I’m excited to see where we can go together. Nick Chase was the first person to ever get me in a studio. After that, I wrote all of my first project and we’ve grown close over time, that’s twin. He continues to inspire me daily. Diana Alvarez has been the events planner for all of our shows and because of her we’ve had an amazing turn out every time. She’s also one of my best friends and has seen me grow into the spot that I’m in now, for her I’m grateful. Bachi is like a big brother to me. He introduced me to the Tallahassee music scene and has helped me understand how the music industry works. I appreciate him because of his honesty and sincerity in our interactions. It was actually through him that I met Tyler Denslow of K.O.T.P records where I recorded ‘The Mellow Yellow’. I’ve found a third home in that studio and for me it’s important to feel super comfortable and be friends with the people I work with! I’d like to thank the Tallahassee music scene for welcoming me with open arms and being interested in what I have to offer. I love to put on for the city, and y’all inspire me to keep creating. Lastly, I’d like to thank my mother, father and brother. They put me into a space where I could create freely, there’s so much more I’d like to say about them but they already know, I love you guys.
Other: Spotify Apple Music
Image Credits
Diana Alvarez