Miguel Global | Entrepreneur, Author & Speaker

We had the good fortune of connecting with Miguel Global and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Miguel, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
The details. The attention I give to the slightest detail has allowed me to thrive in a variety of ways, most importantly, in being efficient where others have lost footing.
What should our readers know about your business?
I can be described as a serial entreprenuer and while I have formed several start ups, I have also partnered and worked with large companies as an independent consultant. We all have our own unique skills which sets us apart and increases our value. I have been fortunate to harness various skills which are not only strong skills, but useful and very much needed. In todays world things are rapidly changing and the need for critical thinkers and creative visionaries are so important. I’d consider myself to be both and also offer a unique view and solution to problems. Depending on the business, this is often very useful, which is beneficial to me and offers a competitive advantage. My passion for learning and understanding people has giving me the ability to better connect and to become more in-tuned to how things flow. This offers a deeper connection and imagination to predict where we are headed. In business this is key to longevity. There were many challenges along the way and there still are, but challenges and failures shape who we are. It provides opportunity to become better or to pivot with a new approach. It is often in difficult times when we find the golden egg. My refusal to quit or to surrender when things are difficult has helped me thrive. I have learned that the ability to connect with people is vital to leading them, and leading is not very effective if you are not willing to serve them. My personal brand is about me. I understand what I represent to me so it’s easy to be understood by others. My story is full of highs and lows but I know my true power comes from my lowest moments. I enjoy being tested, because I know at the other end, something amazing awaits.
Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
Everyone loves food, so if you really want to start things off on the right frequency, feed them! In any place I travel, I always check out the food and the spots with a nice vibe. Energy moves things so to me that’s important. In Miami, I’d choose, Asian cuisine, a steak house or a nice seafood place. Can’t go wrong with either 3. Next, We’d hit up a few nice lounges. Something with great music and A1 drinks. In miami there is plenty to see and do. It’s a melting pot of all cultures and vibes, so to be in the city alone is amazing. As long as the vibe is right, everything else falls in line. I also enjoy cooking at home and hosting, and with the right crowd and the right food, you can never go wrong with that. That was one of the things that inspired me to write my latest cookbook, He’s Got Flavor. To bring people together, have deeper connections and enjoy good food!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I was given a book called “A Happy Pocket Full of Money,” from a friend around 7 years ago. During this time I was in a place of transition. By transition, I mean growing but second guessing alot of my own decisions. This book changed my life. It offered me insight on how powerful WE really are. How our mind shapes our reality and though we spend a life searching for answers to much needed questions, many times we already have the answers. My success increased, my self confidence improved and my network strengthened. It’s amazing what we can achieve when we take control of our own minds.
Website: https://www.bemspiredpodcast.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miguelglobal/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelmartinez7/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsmiguelglobal
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/MiguelGlobalFoodTravel
Other: https://www.amazon.com/Hes-Got-Flavor-Homestyle-Recipes-ebook/dp/B089QW23KW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22CABDBR0BIAE&dchild=1&keywords=he+got+flavor+cookbook&qid=1592624247&sprefix=Hes+Got+Flavor%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-1
Image Credits
Miguel Martinez