Parenting conversations: having a positive impact

Our community is made up of brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs, but many of them are also dedicated parents and so we asked them an in port at question: If you are a parent, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on your children?
First of all, I truly believe that the greatest part of life is having children. Right now, I have a beautiful eight-year-old and an amazing baby on the way. To me, being a parent is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Having children has changed my perspective on life, success and discipline. Moreover, it shifted my passion to wanting to become a better human being because I was now responsible for the life of a tiny beautiful human. I think the greatest impact I have had on my children and hope to have on them is the impact that my parents had on me. I intend to instill in them that same feeling that you can accomplish anything you want or dream in life as long as you work hard and believe you can do it. Read more>>
I feel that’s such a loaded question. I feel parenting is ‘never ending’ and so I don’t think it’s one thing I’ve done but a system of things that I will have to continue to do, to mold them, guide them and impact them. I learned a valuable lesson almost two years ago. I was following my dream as an entrepreneur, enjoying the money coming in, had a new home, had a new Mercedes, had my two little girls and life was perfect. I thought the more time I spent on building my career the better it will be for my children. And then my youngest passed away. That shit rocked my world. Suddenly my career, money, material things – everything I worked so hard to acquire – meant nothing. Read more>>
As a parent of two children, I believe that the most important thing I’ve done is to teach them how to “hustle” in the business sense. The pandemic was a true test of this! So many of took a major hit in our small businesses, I am one of the coronavirus casualties, most of my clients were in the retail, hospitality and event management industries – which took a huge hit. I had to do what we’re all calling our pandemic pivots, which is to figure out what services will work in this new normal and how I can sell those in a new and innovative way (Zoom etiquette classes, zoom backgrounds, managing webinars, and conferences online, speaking engagements, etc.) That’s exactly what I had to do and it was nice to have my children witness this “hustle.” Read more>>