We asked some brilliant folks from the community to tell us about the most important lesson their business or career has taught them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Ana Cristina de Sá | Master Coach & Founder

The most important lesson my business taught me was about trusting my magic. Most of us have been conditioned to get validation from outside sources; the life our parents envisioned for us, peer pressures, social media comparison etc… The more I aligned got with my vison the more I attracted not only more clients and more of my ideal clients. In addition, I started having more opportunities and invites for collaborations with likeminded entrepreneurs and business owners. More synchronicities and more flow of abundance. Now we’re awakening to for the new paradigm to purchase what matters. So clients will want to do business with companies that reflect and understand this new way of relating to ourselves and others. Read more>>

Ace Cruz | Entrepreneur & Financial Advisor

Don’t get complacent. Just cause things are going good doesn’t mean that can’t change. If you get over confident you develop a blind spot in your think and you can get careless in a hurry and forget to do the things that got you there. Don’t be that person!!!! Read more>>

Daniel Serfer | Chef & Owner

I know its cliche to talk about how important a strong team is, but its cliche because it is the truth. Cooking and running a restaurant, large or small requires a group of dedicated people working together as one unit. When I opened my first restaurant, Blue Collar, I came from large places, and despite that, was in love with the small size of Blue because I thought, worst case scenario, I could do everything myself if I needed to. Well as the business grew, and became more of a success, I realized early on how flawed that was. In fact, in the early days, every time I made a new hire, even if we could not afford it, it paid off handsomely. Even though the small space would have allowed me to be the cook, manager, server, busser, etc, had I chose to do them all myself, each of those jobs would not have been done as well as it could have been. Read more>>