Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I started thinking about how all this incoming information diminishes our own internal wisdom. I thought about my own childhood and all the hard times but also the times that I experienced joy and what that did for my soul, my outlook and my resilience. Read more>>
The idea for Alejo Communication came from a long life in the theater, working alongside some of the most creative, hard-working, empathetic people in the country. Which then — somewhat inadvertently — turned into an opportunity to lead communications training courses in the business world, about 10 years ago. I realized quickly that most corporate training programs were simply trying to help leaders deliver new performances, often in a rather dry and uninspiring way. It became clear to me: theater artists could add enormous value to these professional development programs. We literally rehearse new performances for a living! And we have a ton of fun doing it. So Alejo Communication was born. Read more>>
I simply want people to remember me as someone who was kind, loving, and passionate. The people that were the most kind, generous, forgiving, and loving are the ones that have left a huge impact in my life. Whatever I end up doing in the future, whether it’s continuing my journey as a photographer or venturing on to another career, I hope people can remember me as someone who was always kind to others. I have a fear of being forgotten. I’ve always had an irrational fear of not leaving a mark in this world. Sure, I want people to remember me for my work, my photos, and my business that I’ve poured my heart and soul to, but I mostly want my clients, my friends, my family to remember me for showing kindness and love to everyone around me. I hope and pray that I’m on the right path! Read more>>
I value the opportunity to give back for all that I have been blessed with in my life. My biggest blessing is my family. Spending time with them is limited. I guess that’s why I have made it a point to have dinner together as much as possible. It’s a routine that grounds us as a family. There is a quote I once heard and believe in wholeheartedly. “A strong family has well worn seats at the dinner table.” Read more>>
That yoga is for “specific body types”. I know it sounds cliched, but image of a yogi is something that does also drives us to think and believe that you have to be thin and lean to be a yogi. Various ages of people that I have taught over the years within different, uniquely created bodies taught me that anyone can do what they can according to how they feel; not by how they look. Once you see that realization take place, you see the unlearning begin and their true practice begins. Read more>>
This may surprise some but coaching is actually not about providing answers or solutions to clients’ problems. Instead, it’s about asking powerful questions that guide clients to discover the answers within themselves. My clients are all empowered to dig deep, ponder the hard questions, and consider what they may have been avoiding all along to get the breakthrough they have been looking for. As I walk along side of them, we set strategy to overcome any obstacle that is in front of them. At Porchlight Coaching, we believe that every person is the expert of their own life journey, and our role is to facilitate their self-discovery process by helping them to better understand themselves, their strengths, their values, and their faith. Read more>>
My end goal is to unify all the practices of my life in one physical space. A space that would be, simultaneously, a music studio, a classroom, a performance space, and a writing space. Read more>>
One of the most important lessons my career has taught me is that nothing comes easy. You have to work hard and keep your chin up no matter the obstacles you find on your path. Starting a business is not easy even though it may seem like it. Read more>>
Having been an employee for most of my life, I learn that accountability, discipline and consistency all play pivotal roles in being successful in my endeavors. It is those same work ethics and beliefs that allows me to become a successful travel and marketing business owner. It may sound cliche when someone says “when you’re a business owner, you work even harder than being an employee” but it holds truth. Because, having my own business is like having my own baby and I want to nurture, care for and see the full potential in which it can grow, so that dedication and desire for success will fuel me to work harder than ever to get that result. Another lesson I’ve learned is to be patient and kind to myself while on this journey. It is easy to get discourage when you do not see immediate results, but doing so will only take away focus, and open room for idle thoughts of wanting to give up, without first allowing time to take its course. Being excited every day and staying positive about my business create a better mindset and optimism. Read more>>
The balance between work and life is so integral. In the past my philosophy was to squeeze every waking moment imaginable to being productive and working. Being productive is very important however you still have to listen to your body. You still have to make time for resting, and leisure activities. Success is demanding but theres more to life than just the grind. So finding your individual and unique balance is crucial. I went from working three jobs simultaneously, starting up my own company, while also being active in my community, and while my productivity. skyrocketed, my mental health and relationships with people suffered tremendously. Only after finding that balance and listening to what my body needed was I able to get a healthy rhythm going which helped me out greatly. Read more>>