The idea: where or how did you come up with it?

Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.
We started Twisted Acres in 2011. Anson is naturally an entrepreneur. Since he was young he was always scheming new businesses. I (Alisha) started working in Flower Shops when I was 13 years old and loved the small business way. Anson and I met years ago in the flower shops before we started dating as he was the plant guy. He had 12 acres of greenhouses. He grew and sold many variety of plants to Flower shops on the Southwest coast of Florida. Hurricane Charlie destroyed alot of what he had built and then add in a crashing economy around that same time and he had to close his doors to his plant business. The Flower shop I was working at around that same time also closed up. Read more>>
the idea of The Scouting App comes from my profession as a professional football scout. I have always tried to use digital systems and registers to manage my data, and I remember that I was able to develop an excel file where through some commands I was able to filter and trace a large part of the data: but there was a big problem, this system was not dynamic and did not allow to go back, for example, to reports, external files, and older data ended up being forgotten. But the biggest problem was found in the delicacy of this type of tool, such as if you make a mistake typing something in the cells, you can compromise the saved data and risk finding yourself with all your lost work. From this, taking advantage of a moment when I was looking for the opportunity to create an alternative source of income to my work, the project of The Scouting App was born. Read more>>
A&G Domestic Staffing was the natural progression of my 22+year career as a nanny. Although I got a bit burnt out chasing toddlers, my love for children and for the industry birthed the idea. With my nanny experience and Cyntha’s business expertise, and as a mother herself, we brought our idea to fruition. Read more>>
I learned to much about human trafficking. I know that may seem like a crazy answer, but it is the honest truth. At the time I was learning a lot about it through a volunteer organization I was working with and I had a friend who was heavily involved in awareness. I asked a leader on the state task force in SC what was needed at the time and her answer to me was really simple- awareness. She wanted people to know that this was happening here, in the states, in their own towns- right now. It was not an issue of “there.” I decided that I could use Tenfold to raise awareness. Read more>>
I am very much a t-shirt and jeans kinda woman…pair that with some kicks or some pumps and a jacket and I am good to go. I love me a good graphic T but I found myself not finding one that I could relate to…one that spoke to me. I kept telling my friends and family about it and I started toying with the idea of starting my own t-shirt line. I finally decided to go for it and I launched LaTeena in 2018. Read more>>