The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
When I first started my business my goal was to help as many young players as possible both on and off the field. I knew it was very expensive for kids to get personal training/coaching so I would always let local kids in the area train with me. I didn’t charge anyone for several years until people offered to pay me for my services. I then picked up a camera and started to film and take photos of everything I did at the field, which helped my page grow on all my social media platforms. My goal for my business was to help kids improve on the field and help them play at the highest level possible. Read more>>
If I was being honest, I never saw myself starting my own business. I kind of fell into it. When I was growing up I didn’t feel beautiful. I suffered from what I know now to be low self esteem, and that created a negative image of myself. My mother, who I felt was the most beautiful women in the world always spoke life into me and told me how beautiful I was. However the two didn’t correlate to me, I didn’t see or feel like the beautiful girl my mother expressed to me. Read more>>
I wanted to have something I could control, and where I could be my own boss. I also wanted an avenue where I could leave my own legacy, and shape and grow something. Every day is new and exciting, and it gives me flexibility to focus on things I enjoy. Being a business owner also allows me to dedicate time and structure my life where I can pursue some of my other passions – I am a Team Canada Powerlifter, as well as direct a Charity in Zimbabwe. I also enjoy travelling, and my business allows me to work remotely. Read more>>
I was raised by my mother with the help of my grandmother who was homeopathic before it became popular. I grew up watching my grandmother create elixir from everything from coughs to diaper rash. This showed me the benefits of using natural products and how natural ingredients can be affective. Growing up I was always created concoction for my face trying to improve my skin which drove my mother crazy. Fast forwarding into adulthood and college, I got a degree in accounting and worked in that field for of over 20 years; not realizing that I could actually become aesthetician doing what I love. Read more>>
Models, clients and friends had been telling me to start my on business for a while. For me it was an organic process, starting from accounting all the way to developing and managing international divisions. It was a natural growth process to start my own agency and there is always room for somebody new with an innovative twist in this business. I chose my model agency to be inclusive, diverse, environmentally aware and internationally remote. My slogan is “Do you want to be linked?” Read more>>
As every women I think that my body and my shape its not perfect, also because of the different brand we found on the commerce aren’t totally suitable to every body or the fabrics were nor really comfortable for me or the price was to expensive, all those reason pushed us to created Femme Fit, that is a Women brand for real women. The first idea coming to my mind was: “What if I create a new activewear brand for real women thinking on all those aspect that I dislike of other brands, I love doing sport and as some women some time we don’t find the perfect shape on leggings or we just feel uncomfortable so I Know it would be an amazing idea, lets do it”. Read more>>
I mainly wanted to work more projects/clients and diversify my portfolio while managing my own time, creating a name for myself and earning more money, there was only one option, opening up my own business. I had been working for a management firm for the past 5 years mainly with one artist and I had been investing all my time building and expanding my clients brand. COVID hit, touring stopped and everything was starting to slow down; everything but music and the digital world. At that point I was certain about my next moves. Read more>>
Hi my name is Shavon, I am the owner of 3 Brands Enchanting Beauty, Enchanting Intimates and Shay’s Success Plan! I started my first business Enchanting Extensions back in 2015 but after completing a masters degree in Marketing from Florida International University in 2020 I decided to rebrand and relaunch in 2021 to offer new products, expand my target market, and cater to more consumers! So I went from Enchanting Extensions to Enchanting Beauty. That one rebrand and relaunch ended up turning into me wanting to have 3 different brands because having one business is just too basic lol. Read more>>
My thoughts behind starting a business were that I could be successful as an entrepreneur by utilizing the skills I developed through playing basketball. The game has truly prepared me with life skills that I feel are necessary not only for life, but business as well. Read more>>
I’ve always loved baking since i was a kid, and it’s always been a stress buster for me cakes & cupcakes have always been my favorite things to bake. Growing up Indian American meant that mom used to make a lot of traditional cultural foods right alongside dishes from all different cuisines. My mom loves to bake and try new recipes when she has the chance. Indian sweets are such a big part of our culture and I remember growing up that every-time we would come back from a trip to India we would always bring back packages of all our favorite sweets. Read more>>
My Thoughts about starting my business, hmmm Good Question. Ha! I knew since I was younger I wanted to start my own business. Growing up I had a wonderful life as a kid., It’s when I became an adult I took a couple wrong routes and I got tired of struggling. So one day me and my Husband Jeremy was talking,we was literally down to our last $100. We knew our next move Had to Be our Best moved. So I decided to open up a Phlebotomy Training Center not thinking about the Pros or Cons. I just jumped pith there.. Read more>>