The lessons we’ve learned along the way

One of the most important lessons we learned is that our lives and our businesses will teach us along the way. We don’t need to know everything on day one because the challenges we face on day will likely be ones we are already equipped to handle. As we overcome challenges we get better and better and as the challenges increase in difficulty so too does our ability to tackle them.
The most important lesson that I have learned is that I must have very clear what my main goal is, the inner one, that one that can’t always be measured in numbers, the one that lays in the bottom of my heart, the one that is the real fuel behind every action. With that on mind every time that I feel that times are getting hard I remember that It all makes sense because of that primary, life goal, that is strongly linked to my purpose in life. Read more>>
To celebrate all of your wins and losses, no matter how big or small. It’s all an evolution. We’re constantly in new territory, with different challenges, fears, and opportunities to learn. It’s important to embrace each step in the journey with humility and gratitude for how far you’ve come and how much further you will go. Read more>>
It seems simple, but working hard and being nice to people will get you far. Early on in my career, I said yes to every possible opportunity in an effort to prove myself, and I did it with a smile. The industry is small and you never know who you will cross paths with in the future. Read more>>