We asked the community what factors they felt were responsible for their success and we’ve highlighted some of those responses below.

Waldo Arias | Art Director | UI/UX Graphic Designer | Photographer | Producer | 3D

I have developed as a photographer, graphic designer and producer for years with perseverance so that my photographic work can be seen in 4 exhibitions Read more>>

Ryanne Taylor | Executive Producer

The most important factor behind the success of Gradzillas is the team. I remember being nervous about bringing Gradzillas to life. I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t have any prior experience but my friends believed in the vision and we found a way to see it through. We pride ourselves on having a non-traditional staff that creates unique projects of irreplaceable experiences. Read more>>

Febra Alexander | The Dog Treat Lady

The most important factor behind my success of my brand of natural handmade Dog treats; is simply the love I have for my two dogs Muffin and James. It began with a casual conversation with a coworker and asking how their weekend was , and them responding they made treats for their dog!
Wait what people do that !!! Read more>>

Roberto Mendoza | tattooer

The most important factor behind my success, is putting your ambition as the carrier of the brand, something I do is loving to strive and take my skills to the next level which is helping me with my brand also taking risks as in invention in many ways to promote myself as in art shows events and shaking a lot of hands Read more>>

Ashley Blalock | Ashley Avery Agency CEO & Founder

I feel that for my Agency one of the key factors that has made us successful over the years is that we always put ourselves in the shoes of our talent, while actively working to achieve client goals and objectives. In my college years I worked as a Spokesmodel and Brand Ambassador so I know what its like to be in the field as a model. Read more>>

Sophia Linares | Personal Acro/Tumble Coach

The most important factor behind my success and the success of my brand is the love. Growing up my parents instilled on me that when you love your job, the success will come easily, and they were right. Love is a very powerful concept and when you are doing what you love, the happiness comes naturally. Read more>>

Evelyn Cruz | Entrepreneur/thesilverchick

I strongly believe in being transparent. In not pretending that I’ve arrived already because we are constantly evolving, constantly growing as individuals. And in the constant moving forward, we face struggles, self doubt, and realizations of where we see ourselves in the near future. I share all of these transitions with my audience. Read more>>