They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions. We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Kierra Sade’ (Key-air-ah Shhh-a-day) | Content & Social Media Strategist

The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make was the one to retire from being a stripper cold turkey after 13 years of dancing, send my 2 daughters to live with their father and move states to move back in with my dad. It was one of the most difficult, as well as one of the BEST decisions I could’ve made for all of our lives. Read more>>

Roneka Eccleston | Entrepreneur

The Most Difficult Decision I Ever Had To Make Was When I Had To Learn How To Live Without My Grandma When She Passed Away. She Was My Everything We Had A Beautiful Bond She Died When I Was Eleven Years Old And It Was The Most Devastating Time Of My Life. Her Death Made Me Realize To Cherish The Most Valuable Things And Know When To Let Them Go Because Valuable Things And People Don’t Last Forever. Her Death Helped Me Built Up My Character, Strength I Know If I Can Get Through Her Death Day By Day I Can Get Through AnyThing That Try’s To Break Me. Read more>>

Anthony Profeta, CMT-P | Former medical student turned Internationally-renown and professionally certified meditation teacher, mindfulness expert, and singing bowl specialist.

The most difficult decision I ever made was also the biggest risk I’ve taken so far in my life. It was the decision to leave traditional medicine and become a meditation/mindfulness teacher. I entered the meditation path for my own personal reasons back in the year 2000, but never with the intention of teaching these practices to others. It was simply my way of cultivating a deeper connection with what I still call God – as well as – a tool to help me navigate through this stressful world and nurture of life of greater happiness, peace, and well-being. Read more>>