Where are you from and how did your background and upbringing impact who you are today?

Through our work we have had the good fortune of seeing firsthand how success comes in every shape, size, color, faith, and orientation. More importantly we’ve learned that success is often the result of people embracing their unique backgrounds and so we’ve asked the community to tell us about their background and how it has impacted where they are today.
Both Rackesh and I are from a Jamaican background. I (Brithany) was born and raised in St Catherine Jamaica and migrated to the US at age 16. Rackesh was born in Chicago, IL but both his parents are from Jamaica and they instilled the culture into him, and he often visited Jamaica in the summers. Read more>>
I m from Louisville Ky . I can honestly say being in the house with all women my grandmother, mother and aunt somebody was always cooking . It wasn’t until my mother left for the army and I was under my grandmother all the time. . That’s when my love for food grew and I learned how to cook everything , just by watching her make magic with every meal. Read more>>
I was born in Nassau, The Bahamas but moved to Miami, Florida as a teenager. I spent a lot of my developmental years in Florida even though every break and/or vacation I hopped on a plane went back home to The Bahamas. Read more>>
I’m from Gainesville, FL and I currently reside in Atlanta, GA. My background and upbringing impacted who I am today because it was embedded into me to always be the BEST that I could ever be and always follow my dreams by any means necessary. Read more>>
I am from the Bronx, New York. My background growing up in the Bronx has shaped me into the woman I am today. I truly believe this because without that background I don’t think I would have the drive and ambition I have today. It is not easy growing up in the Bronx but I made it happen by graduating high school, college and getting an MBA. I have made a career doing the things I love. It’s all about the outcome. I believe you can take your obstacles and turn them into something greater that will help and benefit others. If you have the right mindset anything is possible. Read more>>
I am from San Fernando, Trinidad. My mother and father were also born there. After leaving Trinidad, I lived in the U.S. for a few years and then my dad got offered a job in Germany. Living in Europe and going to school on a military base was amazing! It introduced me to a different culture, language, cuisine, and experiences that I will never forget. Read more>>