Even if you are from the same neighborhood as someone else, you might still be coming from different places. Where you are from is a complicated question and it elicits complicated, but interesting and thought-provoking responses. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Ryan Rea | Miami Tech Ambassador

I am from a very small town of about 400 people in very rural Amish country Pennsylvania. I spent about 18 years old most of my childhood and teenager years in Pennsylvania. all in all I had a pretty good childhood for living in the country, probably had more fun than most city kids. however as I got older they were very few opportunities in in my general area for having the type of career that I always wanted to have. I had always been interested in technology from the time I was little kid, however opportunities were very limited in Pennsylvania for that sort of thing. Read more>>

Angela la | House Music Singer/Songwriter

I’m originally from Flint, MI. Growing up there I never realized how different it was until I started traveling at 18 years old. No regrets because it molded me to be the person I am today. Grounded yet full of dreams. So many I’ve already fulfilled and I have so many more. Being so close to Detroit I grew up around Motown and Rock. Read more>>

Chris Sellen | Person that draws stuff

I’m from a little town in Florida called Orlando. The town is overshadowed by a mouse overlord. It’s a blessing and a curse, in some ways we are an international city but in a lot of ways we are still an underdog city when it comes to art and art culture. Read more>>