Perspectives on work life balance

The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?
As a young professional, you always feel the need to prove yourself and your value. Sometimes that comes with burning yourself out without intending to. This in turn becomes counterproductive. It is so important to keep in mind your life outside of work. I have come to learn that everything is connected. When you have a tough day at work sometimes it helps to have something to look forward to do after. Read more>>
I believe the concept of work-life balance is generally misunderstood. A common understanding (and one I subscribed to myself until a few years ago) is that balance requires an equal amount of time (or energy) spent on one’s work and personal life over a certain time period. If it is perceived as unequal, it can create feelings of dissatisfaction and stress, and I have seen this happening with many clients we have worked with during our wellness programs. Read more>>
Work-life balance is daily work. It may become routine and robotic for a bit, but all in all being a business owner while trying to maintain a social/personal life is part of the work. When I first started making photos for other families, my twin sons were just babies and now, over a decade later, the balance has definitely shifted since then. Read more>>
When it comes to work life balance I have learned the hard way how crucial it is to make time to rest and recharge. When I was younger I had this mindset that if I wasn’t on hustle mode 24/7, that if I wasn’t being “productive” all the time I wasn’t going to achieve my goals. It took me a long time to admit that I needed breaks from working & creating to nurture myself. I think all creatives know this guilty feeling it sometimes creeps when you’re resting. Read more>>