What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.

Lorena Lopez | Real Estate & Design

Since my 20s, I had a clear picture of what I wanted to do for work. I knew that renovating old homes, was a love of mine. How would I achieve it was only a money factor.. I worked 2/3 jobs in the field to save money, partnered up with who over was interested, studied part-time. Did very little partying or traveling. I couldn’t afford it. Every cent I saved, took me to my first flip. Read more>>

Ivonne Martinez | Real Estate Broker and Motivational Speaker

I had to learn how to prioritize things in my life and figure out what are the most important things in my life, in other words, my MUST”s, to feel happy and at peace. From this point, then I have built a schedule that allows me to work on my business but without loosing my identity. Read more>>

Mychal Milian | Hotelier

As a hotelier, husband, and father to a young boy, maintaining a healthy work-life balance has been a crucial aspect of my personal and professional growth. In the early stages of my career, my focus was on building a strong foundation in the industry, which often demanded long hours and dedication, leading to an imbalance between work and personal life. Read more>>

Holly Morris | Owner, Clothes Mentor

My work life balance has changed considerably since I started my own business. When I was working a traditional corporate job, the majority of the work I did was during normal business hours, mostly from an office. Read more>>