Our community is made up of brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs, but many of them are also dedicated parents and so we asked them an in port at question: If you are a parent, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on your children?
Stephanie Pitts | Artist & Owner
As a parent the most important thing I have done to impact my children is to be present for them. As a business owner it is easy to get swept up in the daily to-do list and the 24/7 commitment that comes with the decision to have something of your own. The flip side is that I am the owner and I can make the decisions about my time. I am committed to being present for my children and family during our time together. Putting the phone and laptop down and focusing on the moments I won’t get back with them as they grow older is how I can show them how important they are and discover teachable moments to help guide them into being loving, present and empathetic humans. Read more>>
Alexis Hunter | Fashion and Graphics Designer
As a parent, the most important impact I’ve had is to show them how to earn a living on their own. My 13 year old daughter is a business owner now. We discussed coming up with a name for her business, the products she wanted to offer, the look of her company (branding), budgeting, the importance of marketing, and valuing her customers. I told her that whether she decided to continue in entrepreneurship or work for someone else, she is learning everything she needs to be successful. From administrative duties to marketing to manufacturing to logistics, she will learn and know it all first hand. My 5 year old is watching and taking interest in what we are both doing. My ultimate goal is teach my children early what I learned late in life. Read more>>
Ilene Cohen, Ph.D. | Author & Psychotherapist
The most important thing I have done as a parent is work on myself and my family relationships. If we don’t work on unresolved issues we might have with our caretakers or family members we might be estranged from, that impacts our relationships with our own kids. I work on having close one-on-one relationships with most of my family members, and I encourage my kids to do the same. This allows me to be less reactive and more thoughtful as a parent. When we don’t resolve and work on our own issues, we have a greater chance of putting that onto our children. Read more>>