Our community is comprised of entrepreneurs and artists and creatives – folks who have chosen incredibly difficult professional paths that often don’t offer any safety nets or guarantees. Nonetheless, we regularly hear that being a parent is a far greater challenge and so we asked some of these folks to open up to us about the things they’ve done as parents that they feel will have a meaningful and positive impact on their child.
Faraji Keyz” Judson | Music Marketing Executive & Producer”
Show them that you have to pursue your dreams and passion aggressively! There is no backup plan & never to give up! Read more>>
Joselin Chiu | Florida Licensed Mortgage Broker
I love this question. The most important thing I have done as a parent to impact my children is the act of cultivating self awareness and prioritizing self love. Prioritizing your own well-being and personal growth has set a powerful example for my babies. I have been able to become much clearer on healthy boundaries. Setting them, respecting them, creating them… understanding them. Moving me from many environments that were not supporting the becoming of my best self, be it work environments, relationships, friendships, partnerships…etc. The courage to create a surrounding for myself that is based off what GROWS me, what NOURISHES me, what supports me in becoming my BEST self. Read more>>
Cesar Guardia | Telecommunications Specialist with a passion for Sushi
I’m really happy you brought up this question! So, the company kicked off back in 2015, around the time my son Sebastian was just 7. As a solo parent juggling things, he tagged along with me to events, flyer handouts, sales gigs, and even installations. This hands-on exposure allowed me not only to talk to him about the intricacies of starting a business but, more importantly, to demonstrate the journey of building something from the ground up and persevering through challenges. The significant impact on my son’s life has been the lesson that as long as you keep moving forward, no matter the pace, it’s still progress. And the most important thing is not to quit. Read more>>
Dug McGuirk | Breakthrough Speaker and Consultant
As the father of a Nine year old girl and Husband I believe the most important thing I’ve done is show her integrity, critical thinking, risk taking, strong leadership and connection with God. This influence from not only myself but in strong alignment with my wife, we do our best to be exemplars of these qualities and more. Our daughter comes with us to our seminars that we run or are speaking at, we take her to our investment properties and show her our businesses to impress upon her what it looks like to be the best Servant Leaders we can be. Read more>>