We had the good fortune of connecting with William Perez and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi William, how do you think about risk?
The way I think and feel about risk is that it is essential to a fulfilling life. Every decision we make has risk factor associated with them. It is a scary and a invigorating feeling we get when making a risky choice. Risks have played a very special role in my life. From joining the military to sneaking into a fashion show with a friend that got me started to my career path. I made a VERY risky decision by deciding to sign up for the infamous Fyre Festival within 24 hours of it being announced. Yes, I was there. No, I did not have a cheese on bread platter. I did however meet an incredible photographer who was there to cover the event. I had just gotten a go pro and thought I would become an influencer or youtuber but I had really fallen in love with capturing video and images. I did have the incredible opportunity to pick his brain about next steps for building an Instagram and getting better with a camera. He would not remember this story but thanks to his advice, I am now an international fashion photographer. Fast forward to fashion week. My friend snuck me in and I had a camera armed with the idea that I would get some great photos and find a way to break into the industry. I found a chair in the venue and plopped myself down in front row and just so happened to annoy the right person who then gave me a successful 2 years of New York fashion week before the pandemic. Had I not taken the risk of asking that photographer for advice, or sneaking that chair front row so I could get “better” photos. I wouldn’t be writing this paragraph today. I think risk is beautiful and scary and we should all welcome it responsibly. If a decision is scary and that fear does not go away, just do it scared. You never know what it may lead to.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I started fashion and event photography in New York back when I was still living in New Jersey. I would commute 2+ hours to get to the city to run around doing whatever I could to build my portfolio and meeting some of the most incredible people of my life. I started photography in my baby 20’s so I was bit late to the game with tons to learn. Thankfully, I was able to learn and assist from some incredible creatives and photographers. I would say what sets me apart is the connections I try to make with whoever I am working with. I think it is important to remember that everyone involved in the process has a say with the direction a shoot is going. Shooting film is another characteristic of my work that I am really proud of. Its a stripped down process from the digital era we live in and forces me to slow down and really consider every photograph before hitting the shutter button. The path to get to where I am now as a professional photographer was certainly not easy considering I also had a pandemic to deal with but nonetheless I made it work. I heard a lot of no’s before I started hearing yes and I was extremely determined to be a better photographer every day. Long train rides to and from Jersey and couch surfing the whole weekend made my entire process so much harder. I believe if you want something bad enough you will sacrifice and work towards it. Nothing good comes easy and its made me appreciate the position I am in now that much more. I’ve learned the importance of making genuine friendships and working with people that align with your values takes you a lot further than chasing clout or money. I learned that being patient and waiting for the right opportunity will come when it is your time to take it. I think it is important to mention that nothing happens overnight. It takes incredible amounts of work and dedication for the world to recognize you.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Wynwood Miami is a must see when visiting here and Coyo Taco has one the best burritos I’ve ever tasted. South Beach is a must and Faena is one of the coolest spots there. Probably want to have dinner at Baoli because their food is out of this world.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to thank Elio Nogueira and Fashion Social Network. Without these two, I’m not sure I would be where I am today.

Website: williamperez.org

Instagram: williamperez_

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