The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?

Alycia Johnson | Creator, The 1212 Community

Work life balance is a vey important topic for me and the community I lead. I used to feel that there were never enough hours in the day, days in the week or months in the year to accomplish all of the assignments I was tasked. It was not until I had my one and only “panic” attack that I realized things had to change. Read more>>

Martine Williams | Mompreneur Life Coach

I actually believe striving for balance is a trap we can easily fall into. When you look at one of those vintage scales of justice in order to balance you must have equal portions on each side to achieve balance. Life doesn’t work like that especially as a Mompreneur! I work with my clients to strive for harmony vs balance. Read more>>

Dr. Andre Caruso | Personal Trainer for Your Brain ~ Psychologist ~ Behavior Expert ~ Performance and Mindset Coach

Work-life balance is one of the top areas I work with people on, in both my coaching and therapy practices. After spending many years in the restaurant business and working over 80 hours per week for someone else’s benefit, I knew something had to change. So in an effort to work less hours, I went to grad school to become a doctor. Oops. Needless to say, I needed to figure out this whole balance thing. Read more>>

Isabelle De Leon | Drummer & Tech Ops Director

I once read somewhere that achieving what most people consider balance is almost impossible and true “balance” is instead a continuous cycle of counter-balancing. I would say this accurately describes my work life balance and general creative pursuit. When starting out, many creatives are faced with the challenge of building a career in their craft while also building financial stability. Read more>>