We asked some brilliant folks from the community to tell us about the most important lesson their business or career has taught them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Cimply Dan | HipHop Artist

Just be yourself. The only person you “NEED” to please at the end of the day is yourself. This is art & art is always up to the interpretation of the person consuming it. People can sense when you’re being inauthentic or forcing something out of your character. Just do you unconditionally & you’ll always be happy. Read more>>

Krystal Parker | Author and President of the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce

Don’t fall into the comparison trap. The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else. Start small and be the best you can be, and run your race. I learned that you get what you focus on the most. Forget about what you want and focus on using the gifts and tools that you have. The way you see problems will determine your ability to experience innovation, the way you see God will determine your ability to experience supernatural innovation. Read more>>

Sabrina Edelen | Designer and Creator of WASIL Clothing

That believing in yourself above all will take you the furthest. From day 1, I knew that I would give my clothing brand 100% until it became a lucrative business. I believed whole heartedly from the start that as long as I had patience and perseverence, I would see “my dreams come true”. For a good 1.5 years, I only got 3-5 sales, and the investment of time and energy I was putting into my brand seemed like wasted energy from the outside looking in. Read more>>