What are your thoughts on budgeting? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Harmful? Does it make us focus on the wrong things? Is it irresponsible not to budget? We asked folks we admired to share their thoughts with us.

Porshia J. Gordon | Singer, Vocal Director & Creative Director

Absolutely. I don’t think I would be where I am today without one. I’m currently debt free as of two months ago and I couldn’t be prouder. I knew I wanted to get further in life and educate myself more on money so I took a finance class. It taught me that having a budget gives you freedom and control in a world that lacks discipline. I took the class multiple times and sooner than later I paid off my car 2 years early. My business started getting bigger clients, with larger budgets and I felt so equipped not only with money, but just my overall confidence. My husband and I were able to cash flow our wedding, with no debt. My budget has now become my lifestyle and is attached to some of the biggest moments in my life. Read more>>

Austin Rutherford | Entreprenuer

Honestly I do not have a “budget”. I know I always spend way less than I make. But when I was 1-2 years into the business I read a quote somewhere and it said “Stop penny pinching and trying to save $100 per week at Starbucks, instead figure out how to make more money so you never have to budget again”. That hit home for me when I first read it. I am always focused on new revenue coming in because money solves problems. If there is a cash flow problem, personnel problem, shipping problem, whatever it is… if you have huge amounts of cash coming in you can solve any problem! Read more>>