The Characteristics & Habits That Matter

We asked some of the city’s rising stars about why they think they have been so successful and we’ve shared their responses below.
Discipline is one of the most important habits that I have learned throughout this whole process. Being positive is also super important when you want to achieve a goal, keep pushing evening if it’s difficult, being persistent. And always work hard if you want something. Read more>>
The best habit that has helped me succeed has been putting myself first. It sounds cliche but it has honestly been pivotal in my business and my life. It all started with diet, exercise, alone time, social time, listening to your intuition, setting boundaries, doing the good things, the hard things, and more. The more you put the quality time into yourself, you can build anything. Your mind, body, spirit needs to be in alignment for success to be in your grasp. Read more>>
Habits that i feel helped me succeed would be , putting God first above everything including myself and being intune spiritually, with the Word . Next would be eating properly, exercising for at least an hour , seeing nature . Following that habit I’d say I’ll have a day of complete silence and rest , buying myself flowers and candles , a day of complete peace and cater to myself . And lastly would be reading or writing spilling my thoughts on paper . These are my habits that helped me succeed and played and important role in my life. Read more>>