The deciding factor: what’s the most important factor behind your success?

There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
Integrity without a doubt. I believe that my songs come from somewhere deep inside of me that I can only reach when I’m singing and playing guitar. A lot of these songs seem to come from nowhere, which is pretty strange. Read more>>
To leave and positive impact on woman who are in business. As a woman in business I find it important to motivate others. I make it a daily task to create a space e for women to feel empowered through beauty. The overall mission of Kendra’s Collections is to encourage women to step out of their comfort zone and indulge in their inner baddie unapologetically. Read more>>
Passion, history, culture and originality. Perhaps being passionate about history, culture and originality is a better way to put it. I’ve always believed The Miami Stadium Collection is where history and culture collide. Read more>>
I’d like to say my incredibly charming personality (kidding), but I think the most important factor to success in any field is luck. Luck and the skill to take advantage of that luck. It’s kind of a cop-out to be sure, what with luck being entirely out of your control, but the thing that you can control is your own skill in whatever you decide to pursue. Read more>>
I believe one of the most important factors in my success and that of our blog is building and nurturing relationships within the industry. Read more>>
Consistency, I would say. Keeping my fans supplied with music and content. Constantly placing myself in the right places to strengthen and grow my brand. As well as my other businesses. They notice the hard work because it’s shown rather than spoken about. Read more>>