Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
Veronica Tierra | Artist and Entrepreneur
Honestly, I don’t dwell on the word “risk” much. I see everything as an opportunity to grow and learn. You won’t know most things unless you try them anyway. I focus more on making conscious choices and trusting myself than on worrying about the potential losses. This mindset has allowed me to start a business, meet new people, and acquire skills that I will carry with me forever. Read more>>
Scott Edelsberg | Event Company Game & Photo Booth Owner
I’m a risk taker. I believe its essential to succeed in the event industry. I always want to get the latest innovations to serve potential clients, and help differentiate my business. For this reason, I’ll remain a risk taker. Now that I have many years of experience I think twice before I make any big purchases. But, overall, I think risk taking is the only path to success. Read more>>
Taking risks & improving my mindset have been two major things that changed my life. The life of your dreams is on the other side of your fears. I had to learn to get out my comfort zone & stretch my imagination, do things I never done. I went vegan in 2017 due to a shift in perspective & it was something that not many ppl were doing then. I knew internally it was the best move for me. I was misunderstood by those around me but I knew it made sense. In 2018 I moved out my parents home & went on my own. That was very risky but I knew it was time for me to venture out on my own & that changed my life. Read more>>