What excites or inspires you?

We love asking the folks that inspire and excite us about what inspires and excites them. Check out their responses below.
I am inspired by strong women and feminist men. A single cab flying by on that hour of morning just before the city begins to bustle. Ice cream dripping on the ground. Read more>>
What inspires and motivates me is seeing how much this a cappella group has changed the lives of all of the members. We aren’t just a group of singers but an a cappella family. Read more>>
I am very inspired by people and their stories. Illustrating those stories though photographs is very fulfilling to me! Read more>>
I am inspired by the people around me – my closest friends who have become family. For years I was very self-sufficient and tried to be the strong woman who didn’t need anyone. When I moved to Grenada that changed. Read more>>
People inspire me. How different we are and at the same ttimehow alike. How despite our differences we all look for love, in our own particular way. How empathy and respect play the most important part in how we all interact. Read more>>
My biggest inspiration in life are my parents. I am an only child and you can say I was made and raised with all of the love in the world, I say that literally! My name, written E(love)e is pronounced like if you are spelling out “love”, L-O-V-E. Long story short my parents used to tell each other: “I l-o-v-e you” and my mom would say “Elovee”, that sounds like a name! “Who is Elovee?”, and ever since then, my parents said that would be their daughter’s name and here I am! I have been witness of selfless and unconditional love, with that comes tough love as well. Read more>>